  • Jan 14, 2020

    I'm reading a book about socializing and when the author wrote about the first interaction, she said it really doesn't matter what you actually say, just how you say it. The only exception is something unpleasant like whining, if you do that they assume you're a whiner. Why? Because that's their 100% sample size of you, all they know about you at that point is that you whine. So simple but true, had me like

    So yeah, we do base someone off first interaction. But its more than just verbal, body language and facial expression send hella messages without us even realizing. I wouldn't say its a complete picture though and it can change over time

  • Jan 14, 2020

    can confirm, meth head shattered my back left window in my car a few weeks back

    didn’t even f***ing take anything they clearly was just off the s***s (and an assholw smh)

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Naaw, it takes years to really get to know a person, so first expressions don’t never really last

  • Jan 15, 2020

    Nah but let's not act like first impression is disregardable

  • Jan 15, 2020

    if so I'm f***ed lol