i see this guy on my timeline from time to time and genuinely cant tell if he's trolling or not
i see this guy on my timeline from time to time and genuinely cant tell if he's trolling or not
male drakes heart
Drake killed my father in a Tim Horton's because my father bravely called him out for being a line cutter. Drake sent my father's testicles to me in a Dunkin Donuts Munchkin box just to drive home the fact that there are no Tim Horton's near me.
he's obsessed: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Agetfiscal%20drake&src=typed_query
Seems like he’d fit right in on KTT
I met Drake's dad at the mosque today and told him bout all his f***ery
Told his dad how Drake got his car jacked and then how he and his friends beat up some innocent kid in the street and that they might be going to jail
Safe to say Drake will not be performing in your city any time soon :)
crying at this new copy pasta but I wont be surprised if he plays a role in the huge s***trafficking industry around here
Drizzy Corleone the head of one of the 5 families of Canada and s***trafficker according to internet dumb asses.