If you gonna leave because of Joe Rogan language around race you shouldn’t wait for some cacs to make a move before you do. You shoulda been on that time out the gate.
F*** Spotify and Joe Rogan fans tho
Tryharding for moral superiority is the lamest f***ing activity to emerge out of the social media era
So this was all a publicity and marketing stunt
More proof that white protest rarely comes with sincerity.
And with that being said, Happy Black History Month!
Honestly if India Arie is in then I support or more so I support her decision
that lady can do no wrong
Yea I’m curious what she heard him say that made her think this
She should go on the podcast with Neil. They would have to deal with Joe addressing claim by claim what he stated.
It would be uncomfortable but they would realize they were being played.
My main point is, when you talk to someone like that, the view will shift and you will look foolish for singling him out.
Even Hillary campaign wanted to be on Joe's podcast. But Joe said he didn't care to talk to her and chose Bernie & Tulsi instead
FYI I'm not a Malone, Alex Jones or Rogan fan. I do like some of the guests he has on. But it ain't people like Jordan Peterson.
Neil Young said Jeff Bezos over Joe Rogan!
https://twitter.com/wsj/status/1488187893839499268Naw he just wants his music to be consumed in the highest quality possible so looks like Amazon fits that bill for him
Naw he just wants his music to be consumed in the highest quality possible so looks like Amazon fits that bill for him
The fact he chose amazon of all places. Not exactly worker friendly...
Graham Nash?
What if Neil gets all of CSNY?
"Nash wants Spotify to Teach our children facts, not lies. The Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young singer has joined Neil Young in asking Spotify to remove his songs from their service.
Nash is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, famous and influential for his work with CSNY and with the Hollies. He is a staunch advocate of truth telling, and one of rock’s steady voices for truth.
By the way, David Crosby has sided with Young as well. He has said on Twitter that if he controlled his catalog he’d remove it from Spotify, as well. But Crosby sold the rights last year and has no say about his Spotify participation.
Stephen Stills, we’re waiting. Jackson Browne, too.
Again, all of this is over Joe Rogan’s anti-vax and anti-science rantings on his Spotify podcast.
Here’s Nash’s statement:
“Having heard the Covid disinformation spread by Joe Rogan on Spotify, I completely agree with and support my friend, Neil Young and I am requesting that my solo recordings be removed from the service.
“There is a difference between being open to varying viewpoints on a matter and knowingly spreading false information which some 270 medical professionals have derided as not only false but dangerous. Likewise, there is a difference between misinformation, in which one is unaware that what is being said is false, versus disinformation which is knowingly false and intended to mislead and sway public opinion. The opinions publicized by Rogan are so dishonest and unsupported by solid facts that Spotify becomes an enabler in a way that costs people their lives,” said Nash.
Always knew The Rock was real
Rogan literally just a dude who interviews ppl from all sides. This is getting so ridiculous lol
Neil Young said Jeff Bezos over Joe Rogan!
these musicians are so dumb. obama drone bombed hospitals do u want him off spotify too?
He’s not even racist wtf
He's sure platformed them on his show multiple times though
pulling my music off spotify unless they remove bill simmons dog brained celtics takes and lebron hate
Neil Young said Jeff Bezos over Joe Rogan!
Don’t use Spotify and Rogan will always be the Fear Factor guy to me, just here to post these jams
Always knew The Rock was real
He just setting himself up for a 2024 presidential run