spotify has local uploads too
People have mistook these for the same thing for years because both deal with local files. One is a cloud and the other is pretty much downloading locals files to the Spotify app only on that device.
Once you place a song on the music app on your computer it automatically is now streamable on any device you have whether its ipad, iphone, AM on android, etc... it doesn't take up space
For Spotify you have to download it to the Spotify app and it takes up storage on your device you downloaded it to. They've had this feature before AM even existed but they have yet to create a similar cloud service. Only company who had something comparable was Google Music (idk if this continued with Youtube Music)
somebody tell spotify creator to put neil young back, I'm a zoomer that got on his music this year and and he is truly an exceptional artist
joe rogan ignorance is truly powerful, hope he will develop more his brain asap
Hifi and looseless lol.
"curated" playlist
Free with sprint/verizon
Jay z and Jack😉
Lossless already on apple music. Jay Z also back
Yeah if you care whether someone has spotify or apple music you're the lame one
That’s google play music
Ah your right sorry, let me correct that
The best app 10 people use
Hifi and looseless lol.
"curated" playlist
Free with sprint/verizon
Jay z and Jack😉
and it has a prettier UI
Apple Music for real niggas. Poverfy for the lames
real ones have both
need spotify to build playlists for shortys
Dont wanna see anymore spotify vs Apple music debates under this post /
But it caused a debate about it and I think that’s good
We have been debating the same topic, same personality, same company for years. All these debates lead to nothing and people just take advantage of it to fill their ego and gain clout
I would switch but tbh AM UI is trash and I’ve got so many playlists including a 3,000+ song one that would be a pain to transfer over
I’ve tried those transfer apps and they either don’t work properly or take a f***ing age to do it
real ones have both
need spotify to build playlists for shortys
Real ones grow money on trees
Apple music been had the throne
apple music has half the market share as spotify, and pretty much equal to amazon. even youtube music has had a bigger increase than AM lately
AM isnt close to having the throne..
they can start with collaborative playlists and actually letting you sort playlists
people thinking they can tell the difference with lossless placebo effect is craz
AM is free if you have verizon
Have what?
somebody tell spotify creator to put neil young back, I'm a zoomer that got on his music this year and and he is truly an exceptional artist
joe rogan ignorance is truly powerful, hope he will develop more his brain asap
That’s google play music
They been discontinued lol
used to be mad underrated and they have the cloud uploads before anyone else did. Used to sometimes store files like i do on AM now like 10 years ago
Lol, is this because of Joe Rogan? I’ve listened to some of his interviews here and there but don’t follow closely. Seems like a jackass who has some funny moments. But idk I look at streaming platforms as a library. There’s s*** in there for you, and there’s some s*** in there that you don’t have to check out.