  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 3, 2022

    Niggas really using this term seriously

  • Oct 3, 2022

    Normies are goat The opinionated Twitter type irl are the worst

  • Oct 3, 2022

    You always talmbout getting “taken out”

    You better stop speaking that s*** into existence

    *Clipped Jimmy

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 3, 2022
    Clippin Jimmy

    They’re happier than me, so I will make it my mission to bring them down to my own misery by being the biggest d***head this countries ever seen. Only a drillin will stop me

  • Oct 3, 2022
    Clippin Jimmy

    They’re happier than me, so I will make it my mission to bring them down to my own misery by being the biggest d***head this countries ever seen. Only a drillin will stop me


  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply
    iCarly Japan2

    people who say that they can stand normies are usually normies themselves and simply can't handle that they are nothing special

    Did you mean to say can or did you mean can’t

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Did you mean to say can or did you mean can’t

    cant lol

  • Oct 4, 2022

    OP’s basic af

  • Oct 4, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    There’s no such thing as “normies” it just means you don’t know that person enough

    for the first time i didn't saw the word "nerd" in ur post

    but fax tho

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    I get where OP is coming from. It’s insufferable interacting with people who have bland to no personality. But simultaneously they truly are a lot more happy living life that way. Sometimes it’s actually interesting to see how out of touch and un affected people are by things simply because they don’t know better. From a distance they aren’t hurting anyone. But also engaging with people like this is insufferable. But from their pov, engaging with someone like me who is pessimistic, talks too much in detail, rambles, and complains about literally any and everything is just as bad.

    For such a deep person this is pretty shockingly pretentious of you nuj

  • Trash Star

    op ur like 30 posting about normies on a kanye fan forum at 7pm on a saturday - im sure they're way happier than u

  • Oct 4, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    There’s no such thing as “normies” it just means you don’t know that person enough

  • Oct 4, 2022
    Clippin Jimmy

    They’re happier than me, so I will make it my mission to bring them down to my own misery by being the biggest d***head this countries ever seen. Only a drillin will stop me

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    For such a deep person this is pretty shockingly pretentious of you nuj

    You’re absolutely right. I’ve never been one to deny my shortcomings. This is definitely pretentious and corny of me, I am only human and not without fault in my logic and thinking sometimes but a brother do be trying to grow past my bad mindsets and self reflect

  • Oct 4, 2022

    You’re absolutely right. I’ve never been one to deny my shortcomings. This is definitely pretentious and corny of me, I am only human and not without fault in my logic and thinking sometimes but a brother do be trying to grow past my bad mindsets and self reflect

    everybody is more normal and more weird than they think

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Y’all internet folks see what you label “normies” as people to turn your nose up at from atop your cultured kingdom. For me there’s nobody to be labeled “normies”: I see people who I can put on to cool s*** they haven’t heard of before

    You’re not superior because of consumption of more obscure media. Imagine feeling superior because of consumption - that’s even more pathetic than being a “normie” could ever be

    - BRAVE

  • Oct 4, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    There’s no such thing as “normies” it just means you don’t know that person enough

  • Oct 4, 2022
    Trash Star

    op ur like 30 posting about normies on a kanye fan forum at 7pm on a saturday - im sure they're way happier than u

    it was actually 10:00pm, imagine living in PST

    also was at a club i never been to before with my girl and posted that while i waited for her to leave the b-room before we left

    get your likes off tho not mad at it

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Y’all internet folks see what you label “normies” as people to turn your nose up at from atop your cultured kingdom. For me there’s nobody to be labeled “normies”: I see people who I can put on to cool s*** they haven’t heard of before

    You’re not superior because of consumption of more obscure media. Imagine feeling superior because of consumption - that’s even more pathetic than being a “normie” could ever be

    - BRAVE

    to be clear i’m not turning my nose up at anyone / think i’m better, just annoys me to see people living in perfect bliss sometimes without worries or care. i wish i could be like that sometimes but my mind doesn’t let me

  • Oct 4, 2022
    1 reply

    we too old for threads like these man

    you right, watching Hasans twitch streams has seem to have brain broken me, starting to use that lingo now and i don’t even particularly like him that much. he’s just a twitch streamer that’s my age and happens to cover news in a way i like so i gravitated towards it

  • Oct 4, 2022

    @op should charge it to the game

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 4, 2022
    hot pancakes

    you right, watching Hasans twitch streams has seem to have brain broken me, starting to use that lingo now and i don’t even particularly like him that much. he’s just a twitch streamer that’s my age and happens to cover news in a way i like so i gravitated towards it

    unplug from da news for a min

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Ok normie

  • Oct 4, 2022

    Why was he banned 😭

    Nah fr

  • What do y’all mean by normies when you say they aren’t real? IMO normies are those people that just have a limit on their experiences and enjoyment. Like you try and go eat with them, they’ll only be comfortable going to Cheesecake Factory. You try and go see a movie, they’ll only wanna go see Top Gun. You couldn’t show them some Korean movie until post-Squid Game made it ok, you probably couldn’t bring a gay person around them without making them uncomfortable until like 2010, you’ve probably never been able to get caught in some crazy situation with them that ends up being a crazy, funny story. I’ve been friends with a lot of these people and been able to be close to them before, but I know they’ll never be in my inner circle of people who really enrich my life and I get very close to