Feel like making Sam too comedic as Falcon in previous projects gonna hurt his role as Captain America.
Feel like making Sam too comedic as Falcon in previous projects gonna hurt his role as Captain America.
I mean his show was a coming of age moment so his new found seriousness is justified imo
lol ngl idk how i feel about this movie just being used a vehicle to reintroduce all the hulk s***
maybe it’ll be different when it comes out like civil war still being about steve at its core but they may as well just drop captain america from the name
directed by the dude who did cloverfield paradox
written by 2 tv show writers
To be fair his last movie Luce was acclaimed
This is highkey a prologue for World War Hulk. I hope Sam gets plenty of screen time though
To be fair his last movie Luce was acclaimed
i dont recognize myself anymore man i turned into the mcu thread doomer
This is highkey a prologue for World War Hulk. I hope Sam gets plenty of screen time though
mcu’s second black hero being sidelined for a bunch of green monsters
matter of fact how’s he even gonna fight em
directed by the dude who did cloverfield paradox
written by 2 tv show writers
Lol which director, the on earth scenes or the spaceship ones
I’m happy anytime Incredible Hulk canon becomes more solidified
bring phil dunphy back to the mcu
Heard this was gonna touch on the celestials more. Hopefully I won’t have to see Eternals to be in tune if that’s the case
Look I like Anthony Mackie but can he star and carry a good blockbuster
This is my concern as well. I personally don't think he has leading man quality.
Look I like Anthony Mackie but can he star and carry a good blockbuster
The man played Tupac, have some faith
Heard this was gonna touch on the celestials more. Hopefully I won’t have to see Eternals to be in tune if that’s the case
I thought Thunderbolts was gonna do that