  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply
    Not Guilty

    Ok whatever man you probably think more expensive equals better im not going back and forth with someone like that

    I been working in Fashion my whole adult life nigga, I think i know what I’m talking about

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I been working in Fashion my whole adult life nigga, I think i know what I’m talking about

    you coming at me with this energy for no reason duke

    I prefer the era when he was trying to dress well as opposed to now where he just feeding into this atmosphere for his music he’s trying to create. that seems pretty clear to me

  • May 1, 2020
    Not Guilty

    you coming at me with this energy for no reason duke

    I prefer the era when he was trying to dress well as opposed to now where he just feeding into this atmosphere for his music he’s trying to create. that seems pretty clear to me

    You have the right to like what you like, just like I can check you on it and have my opinion, it’s not that deep 🤷‍♂️

    Just don’t act like what you’re saying is a universal fact when he didnt dress nearly as good as now. The fits you posted are awful

    IMO he’s actually trying to get nice fits now and does it well, unlike let’s say Lil uzi vert who looks like a total cornball

  • May 1, 2020

    die lit era is the best one if we're being honest with ourselves

  • Nov 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Hey, this might be late but from what page was this from ?

  • Nov 30, 2023

    Hey, this might be late but from what page was this from ?

    No idea

  • Nov 30, 2023

    Hey, this might be late but from what page was this from ?

    I just clicked Google lens and some FB post is where it comes from

    The jacket is on grailed for 64 and some other site for 95

    Edit my bad the jackets that cheap are near identical looking Adidas ones. There's listings of the actual jacket for around 150 though

  • Apr 17, 2024

    i fw carti's fashion every era but he only gets better and better. this era is on some next level s***

  • @op die lit era… isn’t this the luv is rage 1 era?