think he was just giving carti his props
but keep
Carti told him to call him, probably has a song for him to hop on
So much for taking a break (again) from recording
But if Drake is hopping on a beat like 2024 I need to hear that s***
So much for taking a break (again) from recording
But if Drake is hopping on a beat like 2024 I need to hear that s***
I was just thinking that, I would love to hear him on a beat like 2024
Drizzy finna go crazy next year he can’t stop even if he wanted to
Yeah dude drake is unstoppable he just keeps getting better such an icon each album is better than the last
Drake would float on 2024
Drake gonna have a “MONEY FOR FUN” moment on a Carti song
Carti was the MONEY FOR FUN on Pain 94 😭