  • Aug 5, 2020

    Just watching this video was so disturbing. Only a young white woman could have gotten away with this crime. She made up people, mislead detectives purposely, car smelled of decomposing body, baby was found less than a mile away from her home, body was found with tape over nose and mouth, she googled full proof suffocation method, didn't call cops despite baby missing for a month, was spotted days after the baby's disappearance partying and doing hot body contests, showed 0 remorse WHATSOEVER.

    And was still found not guilty on all counts. I really f***ing hate the justice system sometimes...

  • Aug 5, 2020
    2 replies

    What was her defence? Is there a documentary of the trial

  • Aug 5, 2020
    2 replies

    F*** that b****

  • 10000%.

    She should rot.

  • Aug 5, 2020

    F*** that b****

  • Aug 5, 2020

    What was her defence? Is there a documentary of the trial

    The prosecution botched the case. I'm sure there's a bunch of documentaries about that bullshit.

  • Aug 5, 2020
    5 replies

  • Aug 5, 2020
    3 replies

    This popped up on my recommended. Is it worth the watch?

  • Aug 5, 2020

  • Aug 5, 2020

  • 6isco 🦈
    Aug 5, 2020
    1 reply

    didnt some teenager recently bury her baby and was found not guilty

  • Aug 5, 2020

    Yep sad

  • Aug 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Need to watch this, but I might pop a vein from rage

  • Aug 5, 2020

    didnt some teenager recently bury her baby and was found not guilty

    I bet it was a white b**** too.

  • Aug 5, 2020

    can’t watch/read about s*** like this without getting mad so i just leave it

  • Aug 5, 2020

    This popped up on my recommended. Is it worth the watch?

    Maybe, if you want to see a piece of s*** get away with murder.

  • Aug 5, 2020

    What was her defence? Is there a documentary of the trial

    The video shows it at the end. Not gonna lie her lawyer f***ing snapped, but what he said should not have been more powerful than all that overwhelming evidence.

  • Aug 5, 2020
    1 reply

    This popped up on my recommended. Is it worth the watch?

    YES. This whole channel is great, but I did quite enjoy this video. I tend to let these play while I'm at work.

  • Aug 5, 2020

    Need to watch this, but I might pop a vein from rage

    Can confirm this one is a really really hard watch. Listening to her lie and manipulate, all building this huge damning case, then as the not guilty verdicts rang off in the end I could've been f***ing sick.

  • Aug 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Wasn’t she f***ing her lawyer too during the whole case lol? F*** her fr

  • Aug 5, 2020

    The hardest thing about that video is hearing him breakdown her history of all her lies, and how her life she's suffered no consequences from them. She missed her entire senior year, made up a lie to explain it, and her parents threw her a f***ing graduation party. Her whole life her lies got her around, and this time no matter how stupid the lies they got her out AGAIN 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Aug 5, 2020
    2 replies

    I didn’t realize OJ was a young white girl

  • F*** her

  • Aug 5, 2020

    Her case still blows my mind