Mental health is a serious health threat too but yet our goverment doesn't care
Mental health is a serious health threat too but yet our goverment doesn't care
david p always gets first page
Mental health is a serious health threat too but yet our goverment doesn't care
facts we are literally in midst of opioids epidemic
facts we are literally in midst of opioids epidemic
They still refuse to acknowledge that addiction is a mental illness too
i can not get over the people who literally take this at face value like racism only exists when a white guy calls someone the n word
buttigieg said last week that racism is built into our infrastructure and i was just like "yeah no s*** i learned that in high school history class"
then i go on twitter and people straight up cant grasp the idea that a highway could break up a community
It's always been one of our biggest threats. CDC is just now catching up but better late than never
Papa John approves
Bro it was so goat working there being black when that happened. I could get away with ANYTHING
treating racism as if it's an individual thing and not systematic will never not be corny
treating racism as if it's an individual thing and not systematic will never not be corny
Agree but I don't think that's the point that they're making tho
when u connect it more to racism in the medical field/healthcare, yeah it’s directly true
racism in itself is a health threat more abstractly as is hate, but institutional racism absolutely works it’s way into medicine/healthcare
"ya okay chill guys we admit its a problem let us just get some funding real quick to combat that
" sounds like a finesse to me lmao
Agree but I don't think that's the point that they're making tho
yeah the tweet (probably purposely) makes it seem like the CDC wants to treat racism as a disease but the article is actually talking about racial inequalities in healthcare
"ya okay chill guys we admit its a problem let us just get some funding real quick to combat that
" sounds like a finesse to me lmao
Niggas gonna go up to a racist and be like “Here’s 100 dollars stop being racist my guy”
when has a government agency ever asked for less taxpayer money or less authority over our lives