The ENDS** mate
hmmm not sure we have a direct alternative to streets
I suppose ends works
I'm most interested in hearing that title track with Dave Miko feature too
7 tracks in and it's pretty solid
Some funny bars
Also took shots at aitch which is jokes
gbp so hard man
best cench song in quite a while and the best 21 guest verse in a long while as well
Kinda surprised band4band got as big as it did, but it has grown on me since I first heard it
Not as good as I expected it to be but pretty solid album
No immediate standouts?
i’m just so tired of him on features i can’t lie. i can’t even remember the last feature i liked, every one i feel like he was totally unneeded. i think he works well when he has chemistry w someone like on her loss but the features are like white noise to me now. he legit ruined that cash song on the last drake record
Tripping, his part is the best part of Calling For You (mostly because of the beat but)
No immediate standouts?
pretty much all sounds the same. nothing really bad on it tho
! guy is one of the best and my favorite rappers in a long time. Makes bangers and real ass music