Cench felt like a breath of fresh air for the scene in 2020/2021. Now his whole sound is exhausting and bland imo, I have no interest in listening to this whole album
He’s basically the equivalent of Lil Baby in the UK. You get what you get but this was solid in my opinion
Enjoyed this album. Not super amazing, but a solid debut project. Dave and Cench are undefeated
his introspective joints are amazing, love how he seems very honest about everything, even if it makes him sound like an a******
7,5/10 on 1st listen
digga d's various flows/variety of beats were needed here same flow for all chunes aint the 1 at all quickest way to be frgettable also digga d a better rapper this a not even a conversation central cee bigger/more famous yes but digga d really him just loves jail more than skepta love white gyal
Top 3 rn are Top Freestyle, St Patrick, and CRG. So f***ing good man
I like Limitless and the intro song as well. Think ill warm up to more once i do relisten
St. Patricks is insane tho
hardest s*** ive heard in months. one of those songs where I was just impressed immediately off bat
Link me
There’s 3 artists to start with, lemme know what u think
I’ll include this as extra because it’s a Lex Luger beat this s*** bangs
This really my first time listening to this style of drill straight through I thought this was damn near flawless I’m legit surprised at how good this was to me if there’s any other UK rap like this please link me
Best UK rapper ez
Most other UK rappers word play always seem forced and corny to me idk why but Central cee always just dropping gems no even emphasis on it but on rewind you catch s*** and be like damn not only sound smooth good songs but he really saying s*** underneath it all too
When i see UK folk criticise him it has me how i imagine Drake stans feel. People getting his popularity and mainstreamability in the way of appreciating the gold and genius. But hes really the guy for a reason. Pure excellence and underappreciated depth...
This really my first time listening to this style of drill straight through I thought this was damn near flawless I’m legit surprised at how good this was to me if there’s any other UK rap like this please link me
check out some Dave music, his lyrics are unbelievably good
superb track from his EP with Central Cee, give it a listen
aitch cooked him ngl and on release date too right?
Yeah basically this
Sorta lost interest by track 14, but enjoyed it up until that point
Been bumping this all weekend, my mistake, the last three tracks are FIRE
This is honestly very good, Cench’s previous stuff never really connected with me, always felt too gimmicky, but this is a very smooth project
Doesn’t feel bloated, just the right amount of features and I like his introspection across it
Main complaint is the production, Cench always sounds great, but the production plays safe, I guess why disrupt the formula just yet as it’s only his proper debut album
This really my first time listening to this style of drill straight through I thought this was damn near flawless I’m legit surprised at how good this was to me if there’s any other UK rap like this please link me
Highly recommend listening to Real Back in Style by Potter Payper
Best UK rapper ez
Most other UK rappers word play always seem forced and corny to me idk why but Central cee always just dropping gems no even emphasis on it but on rewind you catch s*** and be like damn not only sound smooth good songs but he really saying s*** underneath it all too
When i see UK folk criticise him it has me how i imagine Drake stans feel. People getting his popularity and mainstreamability in the way of appreciating the gold and genius. But hes really the guy for a reason. Pure excellence and underappreciated depth...
I was sleeping on the amount of content in his songs until a few weeks ago, listening to his discog in order just to get a feel for his projects..
songs like Top Freestyle are perfect examples of what you mean
"Label execs don't care if we're murderers, long as your catalogue's bringin' in revenue they'll sign you
and when you go broke and end up in jail, they're quick to forget you"
I used to just view him as a guy who made dope songs and could flow, but Central Cee is becoming one of my favorite new rappers
this is nice, 2nd half damn near flawless imo
Yeah I didn’t really like the singles (tik tok music) and wasn’t blown away at the start. But second half is amazing
Best UK rapper ez
Most other UK rappers word play always seem forced and corny to me idk why but Central cee always just dropping gems no even emphasis on it but on rewind you catch s*** and be like damn not only sound smooth good songs but he really saying s*** underneath it all too
When i see UK folk criticise him it has me how i imagine Drake stans feel. People getting his popularity and mainstreamability in the way of appreciating the gold and genius. But hes really the guy for a reason. Pure excellence and underappreciated depth...
Dave clears easily but Cench is still great