  • Jul 22, 2020

    "I think we should maybe restrict some growth on the ultra wealthy or raise tax rates on them or limit monopolies for the betterment of society as a whole"


    Obviously being opposed to extreme wealth inequality means you just want to live off the government and smoke weed all day

  • Jul 22, 2020

    You f***ing losers just hate on anybody who has found a recipe for success. Peep game and learn from the greats instead of being a smooth brain dumbass who equates money to evil, you might be worth something one day

    shut up dumbass

  • Jul 22, 2020

    Pretty sure what you’re on now while reading this, most of them evil corporations like Apple and Amazon were started from a garage in the suburbs.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    $13 Billion is honestly not s*** if u think about it. In my type of lifestyle that wouldn't last a year...

  • Jul 22, 2020

    still crazy people think you can make this amount of money without manipulating and s***ting on your employees

  • Jul 22, 2020

    "I think we should maybe restrict some growth on the ultra wealthy or raise tax rates on them or limit monopolies for the betterment of society as a whole"


    couldn’t have said it better

  • Jul 22, 2020
    Chuck McGill

    $13 Billion is honestly not s*** if u think about it. In my type of lifestyle that wouldn't last a year...

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    common human decency and morality

    You probably have a much higher standard of living and make much more than a lot of people in certain areas of the world, are you obliged to help them or give them what you have?
    I understand it's different when he has that much money but it very easy for us to ignore there people's problems. We all constantly do it. I'm not even saying bezos should have that much money or that he should keep it all, I'm saying he has no obligation to help you.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    2 replies

    We are not entitled to anyone’s s***.

    If he wants to help he can, but just because I have $1 and you have $5 doesn’t mean I have the right to tell you that you need to give me part of it.

    That’s called theft, and to attack someone just because they are more successful/wealthier than you, doesn’t make any sense and it’s morally corrupt.

  • Jul 22, 2020

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    You f***ing losers just hate on anybody who has found a recipe for success. Peep game and learn from the greats instead of being a smooth brain dumbass who equates money to evil, you might be worth something one day

    I understand what you're saying and there's a small amount of validity to what you're saying but the slowing the growth of mega corporations or stricter tax laws that can actually be enforced and not just worked around by corporate lawyers won't hurt.
    I'm not mad a guy who played the game and made his bread but you can absolutely be mad at a system that allows for someone to have this much of the wealth while avoiding a lot of regulation.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I understand what you're saying and there's a small amount of validity to what you're saying but the slowing the growth of mega corporations or stricter tax laws that can actually be enforced and not just worked around by corporate lawyers won't hurt.
    I'm not mad a guy who played the game and made his bread but you can absolutely be mad at a system that allows for someone to have this much of the wealth while avoiding a lot of regulation.

    I agree with you. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 22, 2020

    Absolutely no room for nuance in these discussions.

    A mfer can do anything but calmly state their position and work from there. It's easy to hurl insults but it's hard to eloquently state why you think what you think.

    Thank relentless cuts to the education budget for that.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    We are not entitled to anyone’s s***.

    If he wants to help he can, but just because I have $1 and you have $5 doesn’t mean I have the right to tell you that you need to give me part of it.

    That’s called theft, and to attack someone just because they are more successful/wealthier than you, doesn’t make any sense and it’s morally corrupt.

    Equating this to “I have $1 and you have $5”

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Equating this to “I have $1 and you have $5”

    fundamentally the same

    Doesn’t matter if he has 1 Million or 13 Billion

    You’re not entitled to anyone’s s***. That was the point babe

  • Jul 22, 2020
    3 replies

    Instead of being inspired or wanting to grow yourself you’d rather sit at home in your couch fuming because he’s making this amount of money and you’re not which is honestly pathetic

    I see this and champion and get inspired to do better and be smarter

    You see this and get upset because of your inferiority complex and bitterness.

    Not okay. You will not reach the potential heights you can reach in life with this mindset. Trust me

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    fundamentally the same

    Doesn’t matter if he has 1 Million or 13 Billion

    You’re not entitled to anyone’s s***. That was the point babe

    The point is he has that “$5” because of masses of people he refuses to pay more than “$1”

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Instead of being inspired or wanting to grow yourself you’d rather sit at home in your couch fuming because he’s making this amount of money and you’re not which is honestly pathetic

    I see this and champion and get inspired to do better and be smarter

    You see this and get upset because of your inferiority complex and bitterness.

    Not okay. You will not reach the potential heights you can reach in life with this mindset. Trust me

    Not everything is about money . Getting that out of your head will improve your life

  • Jul 22, 2020

    I agree with you. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

    Yea that's the way I see it there's a lot of dirty politics and corporate lobbying that they do to get breaks and avoid regulation which absolutely should not be the case but the guy undoubtedly worked hard and made a lot of sacrifices to get to where he's at. He had a vision early, worked at it a lot and eventually built it up, I can't be mad at that guy. The system that allows this is to blame much more than bezos, if bezos didn't exist it would just be someone else we'd be going after. He's not even the richest person in the word, there's Saudi oil princes with just as much if not more.
    Hell bezos wife probably gets a good chunk of his money for doing nothing anymore and we don't go after her. People play the game, we gotta fix the rules before anything.

  • Jul 22, 2020

    The point is he has that “$5” because of masses of people he refuses to pay more than “$1”

    these people aren’t forced to work for him.

    it’s a consensual agreement THEY signed, to do their part and receive pay THEY agreed to BEFORE taking employment.

    You picking up a package and drop it off at someone’s house doing Amazon deliveries doesn’t equate to having the business sense, sacrifices and work ethic that the guy had to have to even reach these heights.

    You get minimum wage cause you have the least risk. If the company goes bankrupt, you just quit and find another job, it’s arrogant and ignorant to feel entitled beyond that bruh

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    You probably have a much higher standard of living and make much more than a lot of people in certain areas of the world, are you obliged to help them or give them what you have?
    I understand it's different when he has that much money but it very easy for us to ignore there people's problems. We all constantly do it. I'm not even saying bezos should have that much money or that he should keep it all, I'm saying he has no obligation to help you.

    you are right semantically speaking, no one has to do anything for anybody. as for me i do donate to causes a fair amount and consider myself a pretty empathetic person and i do care about the man next to me more than others

  • plants 🌻
    Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Instead of being inspired or wanting to grow yourself you’d rather sit at home in your couch fuming because he’s making this amount of money and you’re not which is honestly pathetic

    I see this and champion and get inspired to do better and be smarter

    You see this and get upset because of your inferiority complex and bitterness.

    Not okay. You will not reach the potential heights you can reach in life with this mindset. Trust me

    I just don't see the exploitation of the masses as something to work towards.

    Instead I be raising up my local community and working for the homeless population because that's what I think is the right thing to do.

    I can simultaneously be involved in my community, making a living, content with my life, and also get mad over the fact that government policy has made it almost impossible to tax the wealthy. The IRS has been defunded for decades and literally just said "We don't have the funds to try and accurately tax the ultra-wealthy and that's why we go for your average joe".

    IRS should be funded at record levels, monopolies like Disney should be broken up somewhat and regulated to preserve the ability of the (mostly) free market to actually work as intended. Tax rates similar to post-WWII should be brought back and actually enforced (hence the IRS funding) and utilized to re-fund education, enact universal healthcare (something every other 1st world country has had for decades) invest ininfrastructure, civil-service programs, and other services that actually benefit your average American citizen.

    I am very interested in your reply btw.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Instead of being inspired or wanting to grow yourself you’d rather sit at home in your couch fuming because he’s making this amount of money and you’re not which is honestly pathetic

    I see this and champion and get inspired to do better and be smarter

    You see this and get upset because of your inferiority complex and bitterness.

    Not okay. You will not reach the potential heights you can reach in life with this mindset. Trust me

    hope he sees this bro
