  • Jul 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Jeff Bezos owns a large percent of Amazon. When the stock price of Amazon increases, the value of the company increases. So when the stock price increased 7% Monday, his net worth increased significantly along with the value of the company. Amazon is valued at 1.54 Trillion dollars. So Bezos is worth a lot, because he owns a lot of stock. People are upset that his net worth is becoming so great and think there would be a way for him to give his money to those who have less or do more with it

    I see. But just because he has tons of money doesn’t automatically mean the less fortunate are entitled to reap his benefits right? At the end of the day it’s his company that he build. Or am I just delusional?

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I won't deny they could afford to pay their warehouse workers better. But when people are obviously willing to do the job for their current pay, what incentive does amazon they have to increase it. If amazon paid software engineers what they do warehouse workers, literally nobody would work on software there. They would work elsewhere. But since they pay decently well for a warehouse job, people will do the job
    Also people underestimate how much their stock performance depends solely on AWS, which doesn't involve warehouse workers at all, only engineers. AWS is likely worth $500 bil alone
    I wouldn't want to work at amazon cause it seems like a s*** company to work at, but i get why people do

    From a business perspective they obviously have little to no incentive to increase the lower level workers pay, but from just a humanitarian perspective there’s a huge value albeit one that is absolutely unimportant to modern day corporations. Also not even necessarily talking about higher pay just about the value sharing stock internally with even the most menial positions would have.

    I mean they famously ran near zero profit for a long time, but AWS doesn’t happen without the sprawling cash flow allowed by the marketplace service with the warehouse workers at its core. Not saying the engineers don’t deserve every penny because God knows how hard they work, but just that the “trickle down” should continue further.

  • Jul 22, 2020
    2 replies


    Bezos net worth rises and falls several billion every day because he owns stock in his own company

    Saying he made 13 billion in a day is misleading because he didnt actually make any money, the value of his shares just went up

    Its not that complicated

  • jawnz

    I see. But just because he has tons of money doesn’t automatically mean the less fortunate are entitled to reap his benefits right? At the end of the day it’s his company that he build. Or am I just delusional?

    Nah you’re a rationally thinking person who happens to be on a forum full of irrational people

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply
    La Flama Blanca

    Bezos net worth rises and falls several billion every day because he owns stock in his own company

    Saying he made 13 billion in a day is misleading because he didnt actually make any money, the value of his shares just went up

    Its not that complicated

    Yeah, I agree that this is misleading somewhat. But to say that’s the only reason people dislike him is just wrong

  • Smoofer

    Yeah, I agree that this is misleading somewhat. But to say that’s the only reason people dislike him is just wrong

    Nah its not the only reason but its a large part of it

    I dont like jeff bezos either for the record, mostly because of how he treats his lower level workers

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    From a business perspective they obviously have little to no incentive to increase the lower level workers pay, but from just a humanitarian perspective there’s a huge value albeit one that is absolutely unimportant to modern day corporations. Also not even necessarily talking about higher pay just about the value sharing stock internally with even the most menial positions would have.

    I mean they famously ran near zero profit for a long time, but AWS doesn’t happen without the sprawling cash flow allowed by the marketplace service with the warehouse workers at its core. Not saying the engineers don’t deserve every penny because God knows how hard they work, but just that the “trickle down” should continue further.

    I get that. Even in engineering they’re known to not really give a s*** about the employees in terms of like, everybody’s disposable. If you’re not good they get rid of you. A lot of the work is some lowlevel business s*** nobody will see. Which is why I wouldn’t want to work there as an engineer. But I feel like at least they’re clear about that. Like I can choose not to work there for that reason and so can others. But I do think giving warehouse workers stock would be interesting

  • Jul 22, 2020

    I see. But just because he has tons of money doesn’t automatically mean the less fortunate are entitled to reap his benefits right? At the end of the day it’s his company that he build. Or am I just delusional?

    That’s how I feel and many others do too. Most people actually in this country would agree. Far left liberals and socialists disagree with this. I think there are fair reasons on both sides and it’s a big topic on this website but it’s complicated

  • Jul 22, 2020

    I get that. Even in engineering they’re known to not really give a s*** about the employees in terms of like, everybody’s disposable. If you’re not good they get rid of you. A lot of the work is some lowlevel business s*** nobody will see. Which is why I wouldn’t want to work there as an engineer. But I feel like at least they’re clear about that. Like I can choose not to work there for that reason and so can others. But I do think giving warehouse workers stock would be interesting

    I believe they do to full time employees or the ones who have been around for a few years stock payment. My boys GF had like 10 shares and sold all of them when the stock hit 1000

    Things might have changed tho

    Edit: It did

  • Jul 22, 2020

    What the f*** man

  • Jul 22, 2020

    Love when humanity stays achieving new heights

  • Jul 23, 2020

    he has since lost all of that 13 billion and then some btw.

    see previous post for how I feel about him personally, but just another reminder on why articles like this are f***ing stupid.

  • Jul 30, 2020

    Bezos smashed stock reports today

  • Jul 30, 2020

  • Aug 31, 2020

  • Aug 31, 2020
    1 reply
    La Flama Blanca

    Bezos net worth rises and falls several billion every day because he owns stock in his own company

    Saying he made 13 billion in a day is misleading because he didnt actually make any money, the value of his shares just went up

    Its not that complicated

    Lmfaooo stocks are money

  • Aug 31, 2020

  • Aug 31, 2020
    2 replies

    Rothschilds fuming

  • Aug 31, 2020
    1 reply

    There’s a million ways to turn stock into cash without selling eg using them as leverage

  • Aug 31, 2020
    stream evangelion

    Rothschilds fuming

    Can't be fuming when you literally control the world's money circulation.

  • Aug 31, 2020

    “In September 2018, Business Insider reported that Bezos was the only one of the top five billionaires in the world who had not signed the Giving Pledge, an initiative created by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett that encourages wealthy people to give away a majority of their wealth.“
    I mean he isn’t obliged to but still

  • Aug 31, 2020
  • Aug 31, 2020
    stream evangelion

    Rothschilds fuming