  • Jul 17, 2020

    Rather pay $500 on a console that will last a decade and pay and own my games instead of paying monthly fees to play my games.

    In the end Microsoft is gonna take your money, difference you dont own your games anymore.

    do you buy disks ??

  • Jul 17, 2020

    Rather pay $500 on a console that will last a decade and pay and own my games instead of paying monthly fees to play my games.

    In the end Microsoft is gonna take your money, difference you dont own your games anymore.

    Monthly fees that will still end up forever being cheaper than all the money you would have spent actually buying the exclusives that hit the platform

    Also buying your games is still a option since you love that so much ,so i don’t see what point you were making

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Rather pay $500 on a console that will last a decade and pay and own my games instead of paying monthly fees to play my games.

    In the end Microsoft is gonna take your money, difference you dont own your games anymore.

    I mean at that point just get a pc tbh

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply

    You realize xbox marketplace is a thing right?
    Gamepass ultimate is optional, you can always purchase your games.

    Iirc they've already confirmed there will still be discs and digital versions of the consoles and physical copies of games

    Niggas be talking misinformed on purpose at this point .

  • Jul 17, 2020

    Imagine being mad that a company is giving consumers options

  • Jul 17, 2020

    You realize xbox marketplace is a thing right?
    Gamepass ultimate is optional, you can always purchase your games.

    Iirc they've already confirmed there will still be discs and digital versions of the consoles and physical copies of games

    oh, thats cool then

  • Jul 17, 2020

    Worst PR move ive seen since their Xbox DRM plan

    PS5 already a classic

    What in the f*** lmaooooookoooo


    Are they actually trying to destroy their own console.

    I swear it's like Microsoft has been self sabotaging itself for the last 7 years

    I had hope until today but now I know halo infinite bout to be some ass

  • Jul 17, 2020
    3 replies

    Microsoft is a copycat company that tries to take a piece of a market, they don't innovate.

    That's why they don't lead or are the best at anything.

  • Jul 17, 2020

    theyre moving into being a service and theyll still have exclusives just across gens why do customers celebrate exclusive games

    I'm not celebrating but if one console is going to have an exclusive game and the other doesnt the choice is obvious.

  • Jul 17, 2020

    But why get a PC then?

    Rather get a console where I know once I get the game it will run flawlessly without worrying about how good my PC will run it or will it overheat my s***.

    PC gaming is stupid to me, I'm sorry

    you're a dumbass lmao

  • Jul 17, 2020

    While I think it’s not a good business move to announce this right now, Xbox has a long term vision for moving to services and away from consoles.

    microsoft and vision xDDDD

  • Jul 17, 2020

    Niggas be talking misinformed on purpose at this point .

    $500 on the console, $60 on the subscription, and $70 on games (2k21 )

    Compared to gamepass + a $60 c***roller which will be all of that for however much gamepass costs. But you can literally get that s*** for free most of the time and they let you earn it back through the rewards system.

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Only reason to want a console over a PC is either cuz you broke or cuz you wanna play the exclusives tbh

    What about playing coop with friends and easier transportation.

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    What about playing coop with friends and easier transportation.

    considering splitscreen is virtually nonexistent now in most of the major games, just doesn't really matter now

  • this is a problem? probably won't be any worthwhile ps5 exclusive in that time frame either

    good exclusives tend to come out every couple of years

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply

    That title is clickbait af. Why are people roasting them over a consumer friendly move

    It’d be consumer friendly if Xbox had some good exclusives to begin with, this is what I call giving up

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 17, 2020

    some of yall got me ashamed to be pc

    acting like we have no negatives

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 17, 2020

    c on both sides

  • Jul 17, 2020
    1 reply

    considering splitscreen is virtually nonexistent now in most of the major games, just doesn't really matter now

    what about sport games?? and theres still a lot of co-op games that have split screen or shared screen

  • Jul 18, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean at that point just get a pc tbh

    Why do y'all just think getting a pc is such a big brain move... What if you got actual friends on console you regularly play with

  • Jul 18, 2020
    RICKY 2320

    what about sport games?? and theres still a lot of co-op games that have split screen or shared screen

    until every multiplayer game goes fully cross platform it can be debatable, but even theres a whole generation of people who grew up with Xbox/ps2/xbox 360 and ps3 nostalgia they ain't about to leave their main way of gaming that easy

  • Jul 18, 2020
    No Pressure

    Microsoft is a copycat company that tries to take a piece of a market, they don't innovate.

    That's why they don't lead or are the best at anything.

    xbox gamepass is better then anything playstation does

  • Jul 18, 2020

    saying they'll still be exclusive to Microsoft

    saying they'll be Xbox, Windows and iOS/Android only

    saying 2020-2030 decade games will still run on Xbox One at 1080p and 30fps since dynamic resolutions have been a thing for a while now but if you want minimum 60fps and true 4K then you'll just have to have a super good PC or an Xbox Series console

  • Jul 18, 2020
    slime wrld

    Why do y'all just think getting a pc is such a big brain move... What if you got actual friends on console you regularly play with

    fam it aint that deep it was just a suggestion lmao I got all consoles + plus pc I was just factoring in price to performance. It aint no big brain move nigga lmao

  • as a pc gamer you console fanboys are spoiled af
