  • ghosting ®️
    Jun 7, 2023
    9 replies

    this is propaganda

  • plants 🌻
    Jun 7, 2023
    2 replies

    @firelord inspired

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

    Funny I literally thought the same thing now

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

    this is worse than propaganda

  • Jun 7, 2023

  • rvi 🎈
    Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

  • Jun 7, 2023

    New season of Undercover Boss just dropped

  • ghosting ®️
    Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    bro literally got carpal tunnel syndrome working there

  • plants

    @firelord inspired

  • Jun 7, 2023

    bro literally got carpal tunnel syndrome working there

    B**** made

  • Jun 7, 2023


    Why the f***

  • CEO 3 shifts into his new Amazon warehouse job

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Well he should have a new perspective and use his resources as a former ceo to improve conditions for working people

  • Jun 7, 2023

    Business Insider

  • Jun 7, 2023

    Almost every horizontal suitable surface in the warehouse, like the step ladders that are very nice for sitting on, is labeled with a custom sticker that says, "Do not sit." Even the team leads, who primarily monitor computers throughout their entire shift, do not have chairs. I don't understand why even a person whose job is stationary does not get a chair in the warehouse. I'm sure these decisions aren't taken lightly; they're million-dollar decisions.

  • Jun 7, 2023

    Yeah, this guy didn't do s*** there.

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

  • He stole the KTT user's whole flow

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    i worked at an amazon returns station inside a whole foods for like 3 weeks when i was 18 and its funny to see nothing has changed

    it wasn't as labor intensive as the actual warehouse job, since the whole stations responsibility was just to accept returns, so basically ppl walk in with packages they want to return so u accept it, scan it and repackage it for takeout

    but yea it was miserable, u had to stand ur entire shift despite the fact there would be at least 10-20 minutes every hour of you standing and doing nothing

    also the most miserable part is, despite the job being easy, there was only ever 1 employee on shift for the majority of the time, so out of my 8 hour shifts i would be the only person working for 7 of those hours until the next shift rotated in, and you work alongside them for an hour before clocking out

    the job itself is actually super easy with 2 or even 3 people but it's gets miserable so quickly when theres a rush and your by yourself, lines of 10-15 would pile up, some people would dump 20+ returns at once, some people are at the wrong return site

    amazon is hell incarnate

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    It would be great for society if every CEO treated their depression in this way. In fact, we should set up camps where they can go to to live and work en masse for their mental health. An intensive education program of sorts to rewire their outlooks on the world. Once their depression is cured, they can leave.

  • Jun 7, 2023

    this is propaganda

  • Jun 7, 2023
    Big Tobacco

    It would be great for society if every CEO treated their depression in this way. In fact, we should set up camps where they can go to to live and work en masse for their mental health. An intensive education program of sorts to rewire their outlooks on the world. Once their depression is cured, they can leave.