This movie Hella relatable lmao not many things worse/more painful then being stuck with a crew you can't stand, and more just keep showing up making it even worse
Lmao on day 2….the only nigga he was vibing wit was Cera
Lmao on day 2….the only nigga he was vibing wit was Cera
There's always one tolerable one even in the worst crew lmao. Cera did good, different role for him
I liked how dedicated they were to staying believable/realistic all the way to the end
There's always one tolerable one even in the worst crew lmao. Cera did good, different role for him
I liked how dedicated they were to staying believable/realistic all the way to the end
Yeah it was cool. I seen this at a festival that had a Q&A wit the director. Lol he talked about the significance of the du rag lmaoooo
You prolly seen his newest movie “rotting in the Sun”
Yeah it was cool. I seen this at a festival that had a Q&A wit the director. Lol he talked about the significance of the du rag lmaoooo
You prolly seen his newest movie “rotting in the Sun”
Haven't seen that one yet, I saw the other one he made with Cera tho "crystal fairy magic cactus". While watching this it reminded me of it ans I looked it up, sure enough same writer/director
Less painful casting