Just getting around to this Surviving R Kelly show and NAH Bruh WTF. As a white man that sentence does not excuse in the slightest or make sense to me at all. I don’t care about his skewed reasoning F*** Chance 4 life for that
As a white man? Wtf that was so unnecessary
Yes but only mention it because he brought up that they were black women....
Edit: Actually F*** you you’re the one bringing race into it. I’m trying to exclude race when Chance was devaluing victims because they were black
Bruh dude is talking in retrospect in the context of media framing
Personally I don’t give a single fuk bout Chance but y’all comprehension skills on 2nd grade tbh
Just getting around to this Surviving R Kelly show and NAH Bruh WTF. As a white man that sentence does not excuse in the slightest or make sense to me at all. I don’t care about his skewed reasoning F*** Chance 4 life for that
As a white man you wouldn't get it but that's true for alot of our community tbh.
It's an issue we gotta work on but Malcolm said it best black women are the most undervalued.
Black community itself does it too it was very real of Chance to say what he said cause it was the truth.
He said something that alot of folks felt or feel and is reality but wouldn't say out of fear of backlash.
I don't know how y'all expect to fix things but don't want people to tell you the darker truths of they minds.