The song just sucked period. Uninspired piece of garbage just like 90% of The Big Day was.
tbh i liked tisa’s part and then chance comes through
this is cool to me. should change his name to just Chance and make music like this and be happy with being underground.
Just a thought but It’s entirely possible Chance isn’t concerned about whether or not people are paying attention or rebranding himself in order to fit whatever definition of success one feels he should have and just simply wanted to just do his thing & release a piece of music he’s proud of and happy about
This is nice
nah the more I listen to this, the more I like it
he's spitting, the way the song builds towards the end sounds great, this easily could've landed on Coloring Book and I loved that album so it's understandable I really like this as well
Yeah this is cool and he rapping nice. Just needed something more uptempo like Angels or No Problems as a return single to promote the album
Just a thought but It’s entirely possible Chance isn’t concerned about whether or not people are paying attention or rebranding himself in order to fit whatever definition of success one feels he should have and just simply wanted to just do his thing & release a piece of music he’s proud of and happy about
I think during TBD he might’ve had a sense of “drake-itis” due to his commercial rise at that time and felt well the best thing to do is try to cater to literally every demographic as he possibly can. So we got a bunch of different ideas thrown to us over 22 tracks with no cohesion to the point some aint even mixed well (nah, srsly listen to ‘Roo’).
I think chance just gettin out of that and not overthinking nor talking back to entitled fans gives us some of his best music.
The Acid Rap fans need to just grow tf up.
yes. more of this!
Could it have used harder drums and slapped a little more? Definitely! But I'd rather have this over hot damn hot shower.
It ain’t bad but I feel like Chance needs a complete rebrand after The Big Day and this uh ain’t it. More of the same isn’t gonna get people to start paying attention again. This track definitely didn’t raise my anticipation level for more Chance music at all
what if he doesnt care?
this is different from slow tracks like israel, cuz at least there he had a little bit of pep and energy
what if he doesnt care?
Chance guilt tripped the rap world after TBD reaction. Dude cares a lot
Still like this single. Yes he sounds monotonous on this but I think that's the point. Especially if you're watching the MV. Modeled more after spoken word than something like his usual soul style.
what if he doesnt care?
I mean if he’s fine with complete mediocrity who am I to tell him he’s wrong
This is cool ig but it seems like he’s still trying too hard. Chance need to remember it was his flow that set him apart not necessarily his lyrics, not that his lyrics were bad just saying the genius of Chance was far more about HOW he said things that the content of what was said
For example the lyrics on “NaNa” border on utter nonsense but the flow and delivery makes these verses absolute masterpieces
How he used his voice and delivery when he said “lickity split, look it he slipped on a shell from peelin banana clips back gimmie my KitKat!” is just as genius as anything I’ve ever heard Kendrick do
Not expecting him to be able to recapture THAT unless he gets back on acid but he’s gonna have to find a way to get fairly close to that level for people to give af again