He definitely used to have stans during AR era and even CB to a lesser extent
But he waited too long to drop another project after CB and it wasn't worth the wait so..
I think he got even more stans after CB, those that were with him during AR era stayed and kinda got used to Chance's new approach + CB was a fantastic project and got a lot of acclaim thus Chance got new followers.
Of course TBD was a disappointment and it didn't live up to the hype but s*** it happens, it's just one misstep and from the looks of it some people would be ready to burn him at the stake for it, it's mad
I think he got even more stans after CB, those that were with him during AR era stayed and kinda got used to Chance's new approach + CB was a fantastic project and got a lot of acclaim thus Chance got new followers.
Of course TBD was a disappointment and it didn't live up to the hype but s*** it happens, it's just one misstep and from the looks of it some people would be ready to burn him at the stake for it, it's mad
He definitely fell off in other aspects than just the music tho. His whole image changed in this era. As a former stan during AR days
Chance could get his fans and hype back if he just dropped a good 12-13 track project that had the vibe of his 2018 singles and less emphasis on pop
Influence like The Big Day.
But no, Chance would rather be a stubborn mf, dying on the hill that his debut album was some misunderstood gem.
My brudda HFM the only Chance stan I know
He in that Wale category now of rappers that cry about not getting enough recognition instead of making good music?
F*** is this?? This dude chance STAYS being salty as hell towards his fans on twitter n shiit. Remember when he called that one guy a d***head or whatever after TBD lol