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  • He's only got himself to blame

    How your last album the big day...the album that got s***ted on every direction and you don't think to come back fighting the following year. S*** was 2019

  • He tried to go somewhere else with his sound and that f***ed him up. He seems to be rapping rapping again though but does everything except put a project out

  • newaccount42069

    He tweeted he was trippin

    f***in dying

  • His best album is coming this year we appreciate the feedback

  • he been releasing good loosies since big day, just not an album for some reason lol

  • ·
    1 reply

    he posted his d*** one time on facebook and no one ever talks about it

  • d**** didnt make chance good

    he had a fresh sound, over ten years ago, that he dropped/went in a different direction with that both wasn't as good and was dated. really that whole sound of save money entirely had an expiration date and he was surpassed by his contemporaries before coloring book even came out. that album was just an easy sell to people in 2016, its not anymore, and the voice isnt enough to float him

    plus he just got bad anyways. not the visionary people painted him as

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    slime wrld

    it was simply the perfect 2016 album

    Can’t be true when we had so many bangers that year.
    Bird in the Trap, PPDS, JEFFERY, Views, Dram, TLOP, BLONDE, Anti, Uzi run, Lil Boat, could go on forever damn near lol

  • Notmyfirst

    he posted his d*** one time on facebook and no one ever talks about it

    I didn’t need to be reminded of this

  • slime wrld

    it was simply the perfect 2016 album

    I agree, f*** nigga!

  • SyIIabIes

    Can’t be true when we had so many bangers that year.
    Bird in the Trap, PPDS, JEFFERY, Views, Dram, TLOP, BLONDE, Anti, Uzi run, Lil Boat, could go on forever damn near lol

    I agree with every project you listed and would have to include "Coloring Book" in that list, f*** nigga.

  • ·
    1 reply

    Can’t be true when we had so many bangers that year.
    Bird in the Trap, PPDS, JEFFERY, Views, Dram, TLOP, BLONDE, Anti, Uzi run, Lil Boat, could go on forever damn near lol

    that’s what i mean though, it was meant for 2016 but idk if i could bump it without getting the ick now

  • slime wrld

    that’s what i mean though, it was meant for 2016 but idk if i could bump it without getting the ick now

    I see what you mean my fault lol yeah it was an album for the time

  • newaccount42069

    He tweeted he was trippin

  • XavierMane

    Or he couldve just not taken a 6 year hiatus after dropping the worst album ever

    He really should’ve had another Acid Rap in the vault soon after that debut

    Even though I rocked with it, Oxnard didn’t get the best reception so Paak dropped Venice soon after and it was the best decision he could’ve done in that situation

  • proper 🔩
    1 reply

    He really should’ve had another Acid Rap in the vault soon after that debut

    Even though I rocked with it, Oxnard didn’t get the best reception so Paak dropped Venice soon after and it was the best decision he could’ve done in that situation

    coloring book is pretty close to acid rap imo

  • proper

    coloring book is pretty close to acid rap imo

    At the time I didn’t feel so but I definitely agree now

    CB is extremely solid

  • SyIIabIes

    Coloring book was ass compared to his mixtapes

    Coloring book was a mixtape

    And it diluted what he was good at without the stinkers acid rap had

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