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  • OP
    Oct 8, 2021

    if you gotta bring a burner to hang out with someone it’s not worth it

    u right but now I feel bad cause the man was posting s*** on his SC story being a martyr and seeing how he'll be proven right idk why I didnt remember this till ur reply that man prob is actually super depressed

  • Oct 8, 2021
    1 reply

    idk hes just mad different seeing him in and out of jail not talking to me since middle school out the blue just seems sus

    Kinda sound like a setup to be robbed dead ass

  • OP
    Oct 8, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    Kinda sound like a setup to be robbed dead ass

    yeah thats what my friend said when he first got the msg cause he wasn't super close with em like I was

  • Oct 8, 2021
    1 reply

    yeah thats what my friend said when he first got the msg cause he wasn't super close with em like I was

    i know but if bro is depressed and needs some buddies What are you thinking about doing

  • OP
    Oct 8, 2021
    JT is Electric

    i know but if bro is depressed and needs some buddies What are you thinking about doing

    rn thinking of going if I have the day off.

    originally I wasn't gonna carry any cash, credit cards s*** like that and my main phone, but the depression is making me second guess that s*** rn

  • Oct 8, 2021

    dont go lmaoo f*** him

    he a grown man he can spend his birthday alone

  • @op i might have missed something, but what reasons do you think they’re going to jump you?

    i would try and meet them in a public place like a starbucks or something if that’s possible, preferably before the birthday. you’re going to see if they’re genuine by how they talk to you

    if they ask you to go somewhere private, just dip, say something popped up

  • OP
    Oct 8, 2021
    1 reply

    it’s more of how they are nowadays from seeing one of them post on social media. known for scamming, in and out of jail is making me question it if there were just normal uni students like me then i wouldn’t worry

    @MALDINI this is why.

    the guy planning the party makes it sound like its a surprise birthday but I can meet up with him in private before thx for the idea.

  • Womanpuncher69

    if justice existed ur momma would have been shot the moment she gave birth to you

  • Womanpuncher69

    @MALDINI this is why.

    the guy planning the party makes it sound like its a surprise birthday but I can meet up with him in private before thx for the idea.

    good luck. remember if you feel like it’s sketchy, i.e. they keep asking to leave and go somewhere private, just say something popped up and you gotta dip. try to think of something to say beforehand. when you pull up, say “oh btw my mothers ill so i might have to leave early at some point” or some bull like that

  • Oct 8, 2021

    Can’t even really understand op

    Are u scared of em? U jus sound scared why would they jump u

  • Oct 8, 2021

    “2021 NBA Thread most likely to be stuffed in a locker 🏆”

    Ahh I see wats happenin here

    Yea if u scared cop a strap

    good luck

  • Oct 8, 2021

    We back in the Xbox Live MW2 chat.

    Look at the first posters @ and it makes sense

  • Oct 8, 2021

    OP wants confirmation to live out his submissive fantasy hence the emphasis on body types

    We tell him yes you’re gonna get jumped they’re gonna get off to the idea of it

  • rvi 🐸
    Oct 8, 2021

    8 years is a long ass time, feel like after that long you dont even know someone anymore tbh (at our young ages at least)

  • Oct 8, 2021

    choking rly made a thread just ot bait someone into that hit post i see right thru this scheme

  • Oct 8, 2021
    the reds

    Nah bro just take the L

    lol nag man ask your mom to drop then panties 1st

  • Oct 8, 2021
    Oblivion X

    Doing too much

    na just was getting started

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 8, 2021

    I got your back bro @op

  • Oct 8, 2021

    wild thread

  • Oct 8, 2021
    1 reply

    the happiest I ever seen ur dad was when he got tag teamed by me and ur mom. Too bad he gotta wake up the next morning just to feed the abomination thats pushing him to suicide.

    bro i waited for you to respond an you come with garbage like that your dad points a gun to his head every morning when he wakes up beating him self saying ''why did i have suck a f***ed up ugly as kid what a waste of time making him''

  • Oct 8, 2021

    bro i waited for you to respond an you come with garbage like that your dad points a gun to his head every morning when he wakes up beating him self saying ''why did i have suck a f***ed up ugly as kid what a waste of time making him''

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