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  • Oct 25, 2021

    A close friend of Daphne who was at all the funerals and memorials said Dave ghosted all of them for years, didn’t come to any funeral or memorial, then pretended to be super close to her in the special

    When mentioning the details surrounding her death, Dave twisted it to make it sound like it was trans people on Twitter attacking her that were responsible, but she was going through a lot of other things (family, career) and transphobic harassment from cis people as well, and had ptsd

    Dave also leaked details of the suicide that were not public because it was too painful for friends/family

    Link to post by Daphne’s friend Mia:

  • Oct 25, 2021
    1 reply

    What you planning on doing with this thread?

  • Oct 25, 2021

    Dave a piece of s***

  • Oct 25, 2021


  • Oct 25, 2021
    2 replies

    Didn’t the family basically confirm Chapelle’s version?

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 25, 2021

    What's the point of this

  • Oct 25, 2021
    3 replies

    oh now it's "what's the point of this" when dave is painted as a piece of s***

  • Oct 25, 2021
    4 replies

    Yo I love Dave but that was the mos pointless stand up ever. Wasn't funny and now he's getting attacked everyday. Dont think it was worth it.

  • Oct 25, 2021

    oh now it's "what's the point of this" when dave is painted as a piece of s***

    right lmfao

  • Oct 25, 2021

    Yo I love Dave but that was the mos pointless stand up ever. Wasn't funny and now he's getting attacked everyday. Dont think it was worth it.

    he wanted attention and to make a statement. i think he got his wish

  • Oct 25, 2021

    It was a dumb point even if what he was saying was true but

  • Oct 25, 2021

    Dave should do one more stand up try to cover everything and retire. There's nothing left to talk about. It's over bro.

  • Oct 25, 2021
    1 reply

    salty mf trying to attack dave

  • Oct 25, 2021
    2 replies

    Didn’t the family basically confirm Chapelle’s version?

  • Oct 25, 2021
    4 replies

    So this is a he said she said proxy to let people argue about the same thing for the 20th day in a row

  • Oct 25, 2021

    salty mf trying to attack dave

    I mean yeah her friend died and he apparently used her as a argument point for his personal problems

    I’d be pretty salty too

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 25, 2021
    1 reply

    oh now it's "what's the point of this" when dave is painted as a piece of s***

    It's a he said she said so you willing to believe this new thing just because you couldn't wait for him to be "painted" as a piece of s***

    U ain't even quote me

  • Oct 25, 2021
    1 reply

    It's a he said she said so you willing to believe this new thing just because you couldn't wait for him to be "painted" as a piece of s***

    U ain't even quote me

    5 of you mindlessly said the same s*** i couldnt quote all of you

    you do realize he said she said goes the other way too right? chappelle just as likely to be lying as the other side.

  • Oct 25, 2021


  • Oct 25, 2021
    6 replies

    They said more than that if you check the article

    "However, in a text message to the Daily Beast, Dorman’s sister wrote: “Daphne was in awe of Dave’s graciousness. She did not find his jokes rude, crude, off-colouring, off-putting, anything. She thought his jokes were funny. Daphne understood humour and comedy – she was not offended. Why would her family be offended?” ...

    Her other sister Brandy went on to label Chappelle an “LGBTQ ally.” However, Chappelle’s comments have caused backlash from an LGBTQ rights group."

    This was a conversation that took place after the special was released and all the backlash happened.

    If Dave is guilty of the s*** he's being accused of by this person, you don't think her own family would think to also mention, by the way, he lied on Daphne's situation and did her dirty?

  • hyphen

    They said more than that if you check the article

    "However, in a text message to the Daily Beast, Dorman’s sister wrote: “Daphne was in awe of Dave’s graciousness. She did not find his jokes rude, crude, off-colouring, off-putting, anything. She thought his jokes were funny. Daphne understood humour and comedy – she was not offended. Why would her family be offended?” ...

    Her other sister Brandy went on to label Chappelle an “LGBTQ ally.” However, Chappelle’s comments have caused backlash from an LGBTQ rights group."

    This was a conversation that took place after the special was released and all the backlash happened.

    If Dave is guilty of the s*** he's being accused of by this person, you don't think her own family would think to also mention, by the way, he lied on Daphne's situation and did her dirty?


    Lock thread.

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 25, 2021

    5 of you mindlessly said the same s*** i couldnt quote all of you

    you do realize he said she said goes the other way too right? chappelle just as likely to be lying as the other side.

    I meant what's the point meaning of all this it's gonna cause toxic argument with my ktt brethren over people we don't know

    It's none of our business anyway, i didn't "mindlessly" say anything and I wouldn't argue with someone over bullshit that don't concern me, OP did it so someone u and me argue, see?

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