this album is insane
charli makes music that I know isn't for everyone but I wish everyone was forced to hear at least once
Tbh one of the best albums I heard in years
I like how precise everything is
Reading rym reviews is so cringey. I mean some of them are alright but most of them just come off as pretentious and performative
Usually written by english teachers pet teenagers imo
Easyfun snapped so f***ing hard on Von dutch its insane
Hearing it at the club makes it that much better
We need cash cobain x charli
your turn twigs...
can't wait for twigs' new album but I don't think we should be comparing these 2
can't wait for twigs' new album but I don't think we should be comparing these 2
just trying to be funny because of the tension between them
plus I find charli, twigs and rosialia to be the holy trinity of forward thinking cutting edge pop music
just trying to be funny because of the tension between them
plus I find charli, twigs and rosialia to be the holy trinity of forward thinking cutting edge pop music
yeah, I would prefer them to be on good terms honestly. I hate when good artists hate each other instrad of making amazing music together.
totally agree with you on the second part. they make beautiful, quality music. Rosalia would've been a great addition to brat I could imagine her on Everything is romantic