My premium subscription ran out today, for the last couple months i’ve been using the Argentina vpn and virtual card workaround to get it for much cheaper (around $2) but Youtube seems to have caught on and blocked it, even with a vpn i still only see US prices when trying to renew. Does anyone know any easy ways to get it cheap from other countries?
I almost exclusively watch Youtube through my Series X so ad block won’t work
how much is it in the US? I pay 5$ in Eastern Europe
how much is it in the US? I pay 5$ in Eastern Europe
$15 in the us, I hate ads but not that much
Bro, India?
gonna try this in the morning i’ve gotten errors with my card trying to do it before but who knows it might work now
$15 in the us, I hate ads but not that much
god damn that's expensive as f***
try making a new yt account you only use with the vpn,
if the account is created in the us then theyll probably see whats going on and try to make you pay us prices,
Do you use youtube to listen to music? @op
did they really catch onto it? im scared lol
they did at least for the Argentina method, I renewed it using a vpn through Romania for $5 a month it’s not nearly as cheap as it was but it’s still better than $16. I’m sure somewhere like India has it cheaper but I just went with the first country that worked
Do you use youtube to listen to music? @op
Not really I use it as my main entertainment source to replace cable and the ads could get annoying after a while
they did at least for the Argentina method, I renewed it using a vpn through Romania for $5 a month it’s not nearly as cheap as it was but it’s still better than $16. I’m sure somewhere like India has it cheaper but I just went with the first country that worked
you should try India. i’ve been paying like $1.75 a month around there
I have a student discount and it works until September this year, I finished uni in June last year 🙈
turkey is the way to go
you can set up a family subscription for 6 accounts for 3 bucks a month
that's 50ct a person
turkey is the way to go
you can set up a family subscription for 6 accounts for 3 bucks a month
that's 50ct a person
is there a pay for a full year option? or is it only monthly pay ?
in case anybody uses premium for the audio-only thing: you can do that for free from Safari or prob any other browser
just wanted to mention bc theres no premium where im at now so I had to adapt
is there a pay for a full year option? or is it only monthly pay ?
monthly and the first month is free
I haven't been in school for 2 years but I was somehow able to use the student discount lol.
If the US youtube portal uses Unidays like Canada does, it might be worth trying. You just need access to your edu email