  • Also Casey Frey is in it.

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    He too mysterious

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    How he butchered the release for the same album twice in a row is truly beyond me

    The original album is great. Much better than the remaster too

  • why this nigga gotta be extra like you could've just put this out.


  • headieone

    He too mysterious

    Apparently this and some other unreleased stuff came as part of the Atavista Player Vinyl

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    the playing 21 savage s*** is exactly what people talk about when they say #tooweird

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    the playing 21 savage s*** is exactly what people talk about when they say #tooweird

    I'm assuming he couldn't get the actual 21 Savage to show up on set

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    I'm assuming he couldn't get the actual 21 Savage to show up on set

    To Be Hunted MV legit coulda made that s*** pop off man, that was the hit song.

    Sweet Thang visuals is CRAZY off-kiltering, but the mind behind Atlanta I shoulda known it was definitely gon be something off putting

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    I guess it just irritates me cause this is legit his best album and he treats it #mysterious is getting me OD mad man. To Be Hunted is f***ing bananas dawg.

  • Very mysterious. Won't play at the barbershops

  • Dropping vids on Google Docs that’s some real gamby s***

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    He literally already did that joke on Atlanta lol.

  • insertcoolnamehere

    To Be Hunted MV legit coulda made that s*** pop off man, that was the hit song.

    Sweet Thang visuals is CRAZY off-kiltering, but the mind behind Atlanta I shoulda known it was definitely gon be something off putting

    I feel you, cause I be one of the main posters that defensive whenever someone writes the album as bad because of how it was released and it be clear the people say that didn't even listen to it.

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    big guy

    How he butchered the release for the same album twice in a row is truly beyond me

    The original album is great. Much better than the remaster too

    ngl it’s hilarious how he went out of his way to remaster and reroll it out just to not give it any attention at all and f*** up some of the songs

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    In the Kevin Samuels episode, you see the kid who identifies with his white side have a Camp poster or vinyl on his wall, along with Jake Paul and Post Malone merch.

    Donald is very self-deprecating.

  • havin a white dude play u then cosplaying hood s*** was... definitely a choice

  • sfsorrow

    ngl it’s hilarious how he went out of his way to remaster and reroll it out just to not give it any attention at all and f*** up some of the songs

    I really wish he kept both versions on Spotify, I hate the remastered songs.

    Summer Walker version of Sweet Thing/Thank You <<<<<<< The original.

  • So glad we’re turning on mysteriousness. Khaled really tried to warn us

  • insertcoolnamehere

    the playing 21 savage s*** is exactly what people talk about when they say #tooweird

    didn’t he play him in the american dream trailer too?

    wonder if it was made around the same time

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    Time music video looks like AI at points lol

  • Mar 4
    big guy

    How he butchered the release for the same album twice in a row is truly beyond me

    The original album is great. Much better than the remaster too

    he clearly dont care for this and lost any kind of touch. also overdid the mysteriousness. lowkey glad that s*** bit the people perpetuating it in the end, him and frank are on the outskirts of history by now

  • Mar 4

    yeah the OG method was good

  • so is this a short film?

  • so much pain

    Time music video looks like AI at points lol

    About 5 of the 11 videos are AI generated