i mean i feel like nobody want to say this, but they literally started at least two pandemics in recent memory other there by eating weird s***. how many people gotta die before enough is enough?
You know eating exotic meat isn't exclusive to just one part of the world, right? Even Americans are guilty of this.
You know eating exotic meat isn't exclusive to just one part of the world, right? Even Americans are guilty of this.
You know eating exotic meat isn't exclusive to just one part of the world, right? Even Americans are guilty of this.
you know that its more than just diet that creates these diseases right?
you know that its more than just diet that creates these diseases right?
I'm not the one who made a thread about what people eat.
"chinese peepo really gotta stop eating rats and bats and snakes and all that nasty s***"
Right let's just act like there haven't been any outbreaks coming from livestock that W*sterners deem "normal" to eat