Meanwhile if you go to a Mexican restaurant, they give you enough meat for 2 meals
Yea the real Mexican joints don’t give enough rice
Yea the real Mexican joints don’t give enough rice
I always order fajitas so I never have this problem. And when I want extra tortillas, they always bring few more.
Oh s*** I thought Pete’s was just a Tucson thing
I went to college where the OG Pete's was created in Boulder
So you want us to eat you?
If you see a young nigga making your meal and you see him consistently he’ll hook you up. Some b****es be stingy with the steak no cap.
This one chick made a bowl for me like I was her boyfriend or something. S*** looked beautiful
They never go skimpy on my bowl. I always get extra rice.
I ask for extra rice never get charged ever.
Only white college girls hype chipotle, real ones know Moe’s 100x better
they aren't in the same lane tbh
These mfs charged me 30.50 for my $10 burrito a few days ago and I just noticed because I checked my bank account
My receipt said $10.something but the charge in my bank account is $30