why do I always forget about this song...this one is beautiful
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbYKNIBSXl8a classic
Theres rumourz that the single chris brown wants to put out is on breezysnippets
Theres rumourz that the single chris brown wants to put out is on breezysnippets
It is. The engineer told breezy snippets to take it down
It is. The engineer told breezy snippets to take it down
Cant wait it sounds so nice. Its been a long time since a song like that is a single😁
Cant wait it sounds so nice. Its been a long time since a song like that is a single😁
It sounds amazing. Acoustic breezy is something I’ve been wanting for a long time
It sounds amazing. Acoustic breezy is something I’ve been wanting for a long time
I also saw that it will drop october. I might be wrong . And breezy always change his mind.
I will lose my mind if he makes a regular album plus an acoustic version of all the songs from it......
I will lose my mind if he makes a regular album plus an acoustic version of all the songs from it......
Is that a rumor currently? Cause I’d doubt it. I think he’s just seen that people want him to change up his sound and he hasn’t really done much acoustic stuff in a long time except don’t check on me
right here should’ve been on one of his albums as well
Also I was convinced that secrets was gonna be one of the singles and now it might now even be on the album
I will lose my mind if he makes a regular album plus an acoustic version of all the songs from it......
in a bad way? I've been waiting on acoustic work from him for a long long time. His voice is beautiful and would suit it well
in a bad way? I've been waiting on acoustic work from him for a long long time. His voice is beautiful and would suit it well
He needs to be more active on social media and make again instagram videos where he sings his songs without auto tune. And maybe promote it like that.
15-18 songs max, meaningful lyrics, high quality production, good features, good album cover and good single choices that’s all I’m asking for