weird ass thread tho
The fact that y'all are so susceptible to believing this nonsense is kinda scary. Y'all a few steps from 5g cause Coronavirus.
she didn't do anything wrong
So saying you wanna see kids having babies is aight
God I hate these “the elite wear the flesh of children and drink the blood of babies to retain their youthful looks and to worship Lucifer” niggas
They created a fake quote by Macaulay Culkin ‘exposing’ the elite and when it got taken down for being fake they blamed it on the Jews and the brainwashed media and s***. I thought the elite killed niggas over saying that s***, make up your mind
God I hate these “the elite wear the flesh of children and drink the blood of babies to retain their youthful looks and to worship Lucifer” niggas
I don't think saying pedophillic s*** is conspiracy
Don’t get me wrong, there is a child trafficking ring in Hollywood, but they’re not eating babies for f***s sake
So saying you wanna see kids having babies is aight
What are the chances of these tweets just being photoshop.
They seem to all be from lIke 5-8 years ago.. why is this the first time anyone has called her out on it if it’s been in the public for almost a decade
What are the chances of these tweets just being photoshop.
They seem to all be from lIke 5-8 years ago.. why is this the first time anyone has called her out on it if it’s been in the public for almost a decade
She's been exposed mad times before but because of her power nobody has really batted an eye
The second tweet in that bottom pic is from her watching to catch a predator I know the exact episode she talking about
The second tweet in that bottom pic is from her watching to catch a predator I know the exact episode she talking about
oh word?
What are the chances of these tweets just being photoshop.
They seem to all be from lIke 5-8 years ago.. why is this the first time anyone has called her out on it if it’s been in the public for almost a decade
because her and John's names were on that fake list of celebs that was a supposed "flight log" of Epstein's so now Trump supporting psychopaths in denial of HIS actual involvement with Epstein have got it in their heads that Trump is really taking down pedophile rings with his presidency and celebs are therefore afraid which is why they've been going so hard on him since he got elected lol these Chrissy tweets are almost certainly her being sarcastic...the thing about girls doing the splits was critiquing that Toddlers & Tiara show and how she felt like she should be in prison just watching something like that because of how awful it is...I assume the thing about watching kids have babies was referring to Teen Mom and her commenting that it's trash as well...chick drinks a lot and probably was just being stupid and joking but since Conservatives have it out for any celeb that spends their time trashing Trump they're just reposting it over and over again
pls tell me those tweets are fake
The fact that y'all are so susceptible to believing this nonsense is kinda scary. Y'all a few steps from 5g cause Coronavirus.
Yo I just barely seen those tweets, they gotta be fake right? Not possible for someone’s to even say are have those thoughts cross their mind