The album is already leaked b?
nah just some of the songs have leaked since his passing.
this song making me tear up man how can somebody who makes such beautiful music die like that
i notice the WB store vinyl description says this is his final album, so is nothing in the vault being released after this album at all? that's crazy. i'm glad they aren't milking his death and unfinished work for revenue and staying true to his vision of what he wanted released but...
This is so crazy, this is about to be his best album.
I so wish Mac was alive to see this
Any difference between the Mac store and Warner’s bro’s vinyls??
nope they are the same edition/price. I preordered mine on his site
i notice the WB store vinyl description says this is his final album, so is nothing in the vault being released after this album at all? that's crazy. i'm glad they aren't milking his death and unfinished work for revenue and staying true to his vision of what he wanted released but...
Probably has something to do with his fam
nope they are the same edition/price. I preordered mine on his site
Oh okay nice, I got mine on the Warner store
i notice the WB store vinyl description says this is his final album, so is nothing in the vault being released after this album at all? that's crazy. i'm glad they aren't milking his death and unfinished work for revenue and staying true to his vision of what he wanted released but...
It's considered his final because it's the last release of the material he was working on as his next project at the time of his passing. Anything else that releases in the future which I believe there will be will be much earlier recorded stuff from before even swimming I'd assume
Once a day being the last song on here is gonna make me cry so hard
Last official Mac song on his last official album
(Not including the vinyl bonus)