holy s*** Surf
That's On Me
thats on me a yeehaw type beat
Sometimes I get lonelyNot when I'm aloneBut it's more when I'm standin' in crowdsThat I'm feelin' the most on my own
Damn Blue World is dope
whos the guest vocal on hand me downs?
end of an era
that can’t be brion right?
everybody is perfection
Jon Brion really brought the best out of Mac
God damn I’m getting such Bowie Blackstar vibes man
I can see opener sounds like sexual seduction by snoop dog
Maybe Em droppin today was meant to be...imagine Mac’s final album outsells the best selling rap artist of all time
That's on me sounds waaaayy better
Did Mac Demarco help produce That's On Me?
and what the f***.. Hands SLAPS
wow, hand me downs got me
Once A Day
Baro Sarka is the guy one hand me downs
This album is too much
wow woods is sooo good
I wonder if they ever even cared at all..
It's over
doing what lil nas x thought he was doing
Woods..god damn