it’s crazy hearing songs i know i will hear easily hundreds of times in the future for the first time. like i already got a dozen future memories soundtracked to Surf
Bro I been here since Kool Aid & Frozen Pizza.. I have N E V E R seen an artist progress the way he has..
It's truly amazing and I'm glad people are starting to appreciate the genius he was.
remember his video for Nikes on my feet and was like lol whose this kid. his evolution is crazy but you can tell he loved his career as a rapper
Cant tell if that's a synth or distorted guitar coming in on Surf but when that bih came in....whewwww boi
Sounds like a heavily distorted guitar to me
This is a masterpiece. One of the finest things Mac's ever created and the most bittersweet, poignant ending imaginable to his discography. Absolutely perfect throughout. Jon Brion has done wonderfully, fully tapped into the magic well Mac was working from these last few years. I feel like we have some sense of closure musically speaking finally at least. Swimming in Circles. RIP. 92 till infinity.
The singing on this is so good. These tracks are so beautiful. You can really tell this was Swimming’s part 2
Alright I’m gonna listen to the Em album so I can laugh at it and cheer myself up from how devastated I feel rn
that was beautiful. really difficult for me to get through at times. has some of his best songs ever on it. this album is really special, im so glad it was put together with so much love and care. mac really was gone too soon, he was just getting started. im incredibly sad, and incredibly happy at the same time. so much energy around me at the moment.
remember his video for Nikes on my feet and was like lol whose this kid. his evolution is crazy but you can tell he loved his career as a rapper
Bro 2010 Mac was so corny and he embraced it and wore it like a f***ing G. He had a vision, got himself in the game and f***ed it up
We will never see an artist like him ever again. It's rare an artist truly cares about their craft like he did.. sighs.. rest in power to the f***ing goat.
Aight its been real y'all.. I can't listen to this again.. finna turn on this Em and come back to reality lol
Love Mac fam 💜