Post your favorite fashion photos of all time. No 2010s required.
Anything from runway, to editorial, to campaign etc
We need this, @Vox tag all your fashion people. I'm busy rn will contribute later
Sorry I had to!
Is it me or it looks like drake got his face done? Or its just the beard that helped him?
Is it me or it looks like drake got his face done? Or its just the beard that helped him?
The beard def I don't see the boy getting surgery but may b Botox
The beard def I don't see the boy getting surgery but may b Botox
Botox surely sounds like something drake would get into.
The beard def I don't see the boy getting surgery but may b Botox
Atleast his hairline was never crooked
Loved this show. If I was also there I would also be as emotional as the guests
@proper needed in this thread
damn tbh I only have rap photos
Loved this show. If I was also there I would also be as emotional as the guests
info on show?
@viscera do your thing
Everyone please post where the photo is from if you can
@viscera do your thing
Everyone please post where the photo is from if you can
honestly its not classic but its one of my favorites bc of the emotion that i think the pics convey
by jean fancois lepage, for purple fashion 2004