  • Sep 15, 2021

    The veterans of this crippling forum will remember 4 years ago when I dropped my sophiscated lists of Drake's top 10 tracks. Since this time the thread has gone on to win countless awards and even been mentioned by The Boy himself (kidding). Anyways it is much overdue that I finally refresh this year before the calendar year flips over into 2019. Since 2014 list was compiled Drake has gone onto release Views, More Life and Scorpion (along with truck load of features and throwaways). As a disclaimer I have been a Drake fan since the So Far Gone days and whilst I no longer stan this artist to the brevity to which I followed his every move from 2009-2012 I still check on his music. The list will demonstrate my adoration for "old" Drake and the music he blessed his relatively fan base before the blowout that has happened in the last half a decade or so.

    For songs which have lasted the test of time and still appear on the 2018 list I have included their "blurb" from 2014 along with some new found notes and thoughts I may have to add to the respective track in 2018.
    Anyway less talk. Here is Nxxkx'x 2018 Top 10 Drake Tracks

    Nxxkx's Top 10 Drake Tracks of All Time​

    10.Fire & Desire - produced by 40, Hagler & Jordan Lewis 2014 Ranking - Not yet released

    Watching Drake move away from a shy RNB crooner to a rap-centric artist in the last couple of years has been one of the more disappointing things to endure for someone who fell in love with the "OG Drake" who gave us the simpest of simp songs in his early years such as A Night Off, Bria's Interlude and a fellow top 10 track, Shut it Down. So every now and again when Drake blesses us with a straight up "I miss my girl so much" simp song it is truly a blessing. And Fire & Desire is a perfect example. Tucked away towards the end of the 81 minute album "Views", after song after song of braggadocious rap - some of which I still can't differentiate from each other today - is the simplest and most endearing track of the album. Arguably Drake's most sincere and vocally perfect track of his career this song captivates everything that Drake was before fame and before he had the confidence of Hugh Hefner. He doesn't hold back and doesn't care what kind of image he portrays to the public when he's this vulnerable. AND I F***ING LOVE IT! To whom he is talking to and addressing in this song remains a mystery. Many have speculated he was simping to Nicki Minaj who at the time was engaged to arch nemesis #1 Meek Mill. 40 also comes through with his classic sampling of Brady's I Dedicate (Part I, II, & III). The combination of vulnerable Drake in 2018 and 40 in God Mode producing still gives me wild wild thoughts of what a "It's Never Enough" RNB project would sound like from Drake in 2018. We will never get it but maybe thats for the better because when we get these types of tracks from Drake in 2018 it just makes me appreciate it that much more.

    You a real ass woman and I like it
    I don't wanna fight it​

    9. Star67 - produced by Vinylz, Most High & Amir Obe 2014 Ranking - 8

    If Drake's "swagger" was just emerging on Cameras (track from 2011's Take Care album which was ranked 9th in 2014 and has since dropped out), then on Star67 you can say his swagger was fully blown on level one-hundred-thousand-million. It's simply arrogance and hustle on its greatest display. With the

    to start off and another godly transition which precedes a second half dominated by the trademark atmospheric feeling Drake portrays with his songs it is just a pleasure to listen to from start to finish. Whilst also serving as an athem-like message to his past "hustle", some say Drake was chewing gum while this track was being recorded. Its hard to tell if this is true but it wouldn't surprise me if this was the case. People say "Running through the 6 with me woes" is the best / /

    on IYRTITL, but that is in part due to the build up which leads to it and the beat drop which coincides with it, but in my humble opinion "Line Blowin Up" is the bar which speaks to me the most and the message I f***s with the most. MY ** REALLY NEED THE WHOLE THANG

    2018 Thoughts - Boy was I right about this track. Still my standout track from IYRTITL and still the ultimate posse cut from Drake which has yet to be replicated in the years. Drake's lyrical swagger on this track in unmatched. go back and listen to it in 2018 and listen to the delievery of the first couple bars in the verse. It's the lyrical version vince mcmahon walking out to the ring. I still get goosebumps listening to this today. Especially when he consider this mother f***er had the audacity of spitting the big d*** bars while chewing some gum. who the f*** does that type of s*** today. Apex Drake.

    Shut the f*** up, text from a centerfold, I ain't reply
    Let her know I read it though
    Voice mail say she ready though
    ** know I'm credible, ain't no p**** on a pedestal/center

    8. Shut It Down (ft. The-Dream) - produced by 40 & Omen 2014 Ranking - 6

    This track right here is pure GOAT. Its a 2-in-1 track which was a rarity back in the day when 7 minutes-plus tracks weren't really popular. It saddens me that Drake and The-Dream haven't worked together since this, especially after they crafted one of the better tracks on his debut album. What really puts this track over the top and propels it into the top 10 list is the

    . Here again we have Simpin Drake at his best using all his powers. He's Marvin Rooms-ing here before he knew it was possible. His night is about to end and he's not gonna stop until that p**** is his. Whenever we think of our special someone - whoever that may be - we think of these 2 minutes and how great it would be if we were able to portray this mood and shut it down. The-Dream is at his best on this track too providing the fitting melody and falsetto whilst Drake paints another magical picture onto a canvas of love. This is probably the first Drake track I binged listened to and I am guilty of not paying it its due respect in recent times.

    2018 Thoughts - It's a crime these two have collaborated since 2010. Drake need to stop stealing rnb tracks from PND and muster the courage to make amends with Terius and cook up some magic with him again.

    Take those f***ing heels off, it's worth it girl
    Nothing is what I can picture you in
    So take that f***ing dress off, I swear you won't forget me
    You'll be happy that you let me lay you down​

    7. Blem & Controlla - produced by T-Minus (Blem) & Supa Dups, Di Genius & Allen (Controlla) 2014 Ranking - Not yet released

    Ok weird flex but whatever. Breaking some rules here and putting two tracks at the number 7 spot. My reasoning: they are the same track to me in my books. Aka carribean/dancehall Drake at his peak. Controlla was the first track to come out in 2016's Views album and it was one the first of these type of Drake tracks where he goes full fledged Rastafarian. S*** I wouldn't be surprised if Drake put on a dreadlock wigs when he stepped in the booth to record this song. After dabbling in this type of music in the leadup to Views (Sweeterman, Ojeulegba) he peaked with it with Controlla and then mastered the craft next year when he dropped Blem. Some advice to my fellow KTT Drake stans who have a special ting in their life. If you ever go on a beach holiday with your significant other, put these two track and and watch what happens to your beautiful darling girl. For some reasons these tracks have a way of dislocating girls hips and making them do unthinkable things to their bodies as Drake carribean accent takes over their body. Whilst I'm happy Drake appears to be done with making this type of music I will forever be greatful for when he fully embraced Dancehall culture and put together these beautiful tracks.

    Don't switch on me, I got big plans
    We need to forward to the islands
    And get you gold, no spray tans
    I need you to stop runnin' back to your ex, he's a wasteman​

    6. Marvin's Room - produced by 40 & Supa Dups 2014 Ranking - 4

    Its the songs you just put out there for the f*** of it that end up being the game-changers. This song right here even Drake didn't know how big it was gonna be. Largely known as "The Ultimate Simp Anthem", Marvin's Room was initially released as a throwaway track during the Take Care era, the

    to it and the culture with which it brought was so massive that Drake knew he had to include in his magnus opus (aka Take Care) along with an interlude

    (who at the time was on the come up, pre-GKMC). Its the classic Drake track which illustrates our behaviours as simps the best. Prior to Marvins Room entering our lives we all had that one girl who we were so obsessed over that we would consider doing what Drake does in Marvin's Room (aka make that drunk late night call/text), and if we hadn't then we definitely have done so on numerous occasions since then. What makes this track so great is that I still don't consider it a song - its more of a narrative which paints a picture (which you could think of being the Take Care cover art) and also describes a mood (which you can think of being the expression on Drake's face on the Take Care cover art) - in the end, it is the track which sums up the Take Care era the best - loneliness despite fame. Neat fact, the song is called Marvin's Room because it was recorded at Marvin Gaye's studio. Neat-o fact number 2, The Weeknd recorded his own remix to this track during this mysterious Thursday days. Sadly it was never released or heard from.

    2018 Thoughts - Still the best simp song ever made. The number of relationships which have been rekindled and the number of oops I got my ex pregnant babies that have been made to this song is somewhere in the realm of 4,245,958 and counting.

    I was just calling cause they were just leaving
    Talk to me please don't have much to believe in
    I need you right now, are you down to listen to me?​

    5. November 18th - produced by DJ Screw 2014 Ranking - 2

    I never really appreciated the greatness of this track until maybe a year or two after So Far Gone had dropped. But when it really hit me and I understood its importance towards the Houston culture I fell in love. Drake shows his ability here to adapt to a different sound - one which we have been deprived off since (the chopped not slopped tapes don't count). If you're a fan of the H-town sound like I am then you probably f*** with this track

    . November 18th has never been the same for me since this track and everytime I'm in the "you can't stop me, I'm the best ever" mood then this track serves as the perfect soundtrack to my arrogance. I hope for the day when Drake will use his powers to make another OG H-Town type track. But until then this track will forever hold me over. One time for the homie DJ Screw.

    2018 Thoughts - It's crazy to think Drake has never come close to replicating a song like this since SFG. There are so many quotables in this track: Cup inside a cup smoking ghostface killer remains a cold line. P****s only p**** and I get it when I need is killer. Man what a song. Shouts to HTOWN.

    I sent ya girl a message, said I'll see ya when I can
    She sent me one back, but I ain't never read it
    Cause p****'s only p**** and I get it when I need it​

    4. Digital Dash - produced by Southside & Metro Boomin 2014 Ranking - Not yet released

    Oh my goodness. Drake has always made classic album openers, so much so that I could make a top 10 based soley of Drake opening Drakes. But when it comes to album openers, nothing comes close to Digital Dash. Firstly you get Future starting off the track on ultimate fire, reeling off line after line in an unconscious flow similar to a Steph Curry heat check at Oracle Arena. And just when you thoughts that was enough, Drake fly's in from the top rope and delievers on an legendary level. Seriously if there was Drake highlight reel on Youtube just put this verse on and its a done deal. For those of us who tuned into OVO sound radio in late 2015 to listen to the premier of this album and where gifted with Digital Dash as the opener will forever remember how much we lost out minds. For about 2 days the Dab was all we did until it became old fashioned and everyone from 8 years old white kids and out off touch middle USA adults were doing it for the culture. A KTT user A.D.H.D. made a classic thread after the release of WATTBA storytelling the vibe of the studio when Diamonds Dancing was recorded. I can only wonder what kind of vibe was bumpng in the studio when Future exited the booth after recording his verse for Digital Dash and Drake looked at hime, smirked, walked passed him without saying anything or acknowledging his verse, stepped into the booth, put on the headphone, told the engineer to let the record play, closed his eyes, did a dab, and then spit the fire, exited the booth, walked past future whose jaw at this point was on the floor, sat down on the couch, told the the engineer to run the track back and then whispered into Future's ear "what a time to be alive".

    I got the digital dash
    She want a picture with all of my ** that just made the visual last
    But she too embarrassed to ask​

    3. The Ride (ft. The Weeknd) - prodcued by Doc McKinney & The Weeknd 2014 Ranking - 3

    The OVOXO movement was one of the

    to happen in

    this decade. And this track probably best sums up that movement. Initially penned by The Weeknd to be the closer to his debut mixtape (aka the greatest mixtape of all time, House of Balloons), Drake was blessed to have Abel hand this over to him and to his credit he did justice to it. With Abel crying away in the background throughout this track it sets the mood for Drake to provide 3 classic verses of how great life can be when you have just your ride-or-die ** with you. Again the placement of this as the closer to Take Care is perfect. After being privileged to magic you are left with this track to ponder what your life has become - and for Drake thats a life of wealth and happiness when you cut out all the bullshit and all the fake ** from your life.

    2014 Thoughts - 2011 Drake and Abel chemistry needs a 30 for 30.
    Or get three SUVs for ** dressed like refugees
    And deal with the questions about all your excessive needs
    And you do dinners at French Laundry in Napa Valley
    Scallops and glasses of Dolce, that s***'s right up your alley​

    2. Dreams Money Can Buy - produced by 40 2014 Ranking - 1

    Once you understand the backstory to this song you'll understand why its going to be hard for Drake to top this track in my books. Thank Me Later was released as a relative disappointment in June 2010. The months which followed were a potential rnb mixtape which was later scrapped (sorry to remind you!) and the announcement of the second album in November 2010. After this we entered what become known as the Drizzy Drought of Winter 2010/2011. For those who remember, we were left in silence, absolutely nothing for 6 months - no throwaways, no features, no news, absolutely nothing. We were hungry and thirsty at the same damn time. We were so lost that we speculated that Drake was so disappointed in his debut that he was too scared to put out anything. Then things started to get a little interesting we were teased with the



    . These teases only added to the thirst as they didn't quite fulfil the void left in our life left with the absence of a Drake track. Then on one quiet Spring day in May the Take Care era was brought into this world in the form on Dreams Money Can Buy. I can still remember to this day where I was when this track dropped out of nowhere. I was at a medical conference on Regents Street browsing KTT during a break in the presentations when I saw a thread titled along the lines of "Dreams Money Can Buy (OUT NOW)". I stopped everything I was doing, grabbed my headphones out of the bag and walked straight out of that conference to get some 3G coverage to listen to this track. It felt like forever waiting for it to load but when it started playing my thirst and hunger was suddenly gone. I started getting chest pains from the excitement of listening to this track. The sample was amazing and the bars were on point. The wait was definitely worthwhile and to this day when I listen to this track I still take myself back to that day in 2011 when I first heard this track. It set the tone for the upcoming months which would culminate in the release of Take Care. Drake was on a whole different level which we hadn't seen or heard from on this track - he was no longer scared, he was making it clear he didn't give a f*** what any of you lames said or thought. It was gratifying to know Drake was in such a confident place - and that mindset encapsulated all of us. I was proud to call myself a Drake stan when this track dropped, I wanted everyone to hear so I could proclaim to them "this is my * and he's about to take over the rap game like no one has ever done before". 4 years later I guess I was right.

    2018 Thoughts - Damn, I never thought this track would ever been bumped from the number 1 spot. But here we are. 7 years later this track remains special to me for the reasons described above. The best Rap Drake track ever. The REAL opening track to Take Care. The track which signified the arrival of the Drake we know today. The Drake who was determined to take over the rap game and leave bodies behind him for whoever wanted to get in his way. The Drake who was not gonna tip toe around the fact he wanted to be the best in the game. He was annoucing to the world he was back and ready to take the throne from these other rappers. He knew the previous generations time was running thin and his rivals of the new school he was apart of were inferior to him. Once he noticed that he took over. And that moment of clarity came when he was in the booth deliever the bars you hear on Dreams Money Can Buy

    1. Signs - produced by Supa Dups & 40 2014 Ranking - Not yet released

    I swear this * Drake makes the best music when he really doesnt give a f*** and has no intentions of making it into an album cut or whatever. Signs was made for a Louis Vuitton's Paris Fashion Show and it turned out to be the best track every made by Drake. The atmopheric vibe this song creates when you listen to it still makes me going into this weird zone today. If this song has yet to take over your mental and spirit then I plead for you to turn it on right now and let it encapsulate you right now. It is such a different track. There is no track similar to this one. Its so simple yet so complicated and intricately crafted at the same time. If you have never been walking home at night after a long drama filled day and had this song come on and completely turn your vibe then youre missing out. There's not alot more I can say about this song to justify its number one ranking except for the the fact that no Drake song has given me the same feeling this track has given me - and to this day it still makes men feel like no other track I have ever listened to. I wanna simp and f*** at the same time. I wanna lay low and go wild at the same time. I wanna be a loner and the most popular guy in teh room at the same time. F*** what a song.

  • Sep 15, 2021

    who cares

  • Sep 15, 2021

    congrats, you scrolled through the wall of text