This would be a classic and way too good of a move, so i know this aint happening
9 months after the pregnant emojis…
Is he saying honestly,nevermind to being a lover boy?
Is this the all rap album we wanted? Is this the rumored CLB Part 2?
I’m thinking the themes/projects may be proved to be related
(This is a reach)
Mods: I'm sorry, but I had to post this.
What if he purposely is waiting 9 months (like the length of a pregnancy) to drop the deluxe / another project?
Nine months after CLB released would be June 3rd, 2022.
ALSO: June 3rd, 2022 is a Friday
Edit: It appears I was two weeks off, but right idea
Do you guys think Drake saw this thread and theory and thought to himself…
“Hm that’s not a bad idea” and is solely dropping this to get people to stop talking about how bad the album art was for CLB (I didn’t think it was that bad)
This would be a classic and way too good of a move, so i know this aint happening