You have issues
Well guess what I hope your license gets taken away too
Only skip is f***ing fans deadass
If it had a different cover art and name you’d all love it
It’s 100% burning hot smelly ass, especially from an artist like Drake. Lazy ass mid for preteens with no taste. Garbage Tik tok bait trash. 20 features and only 2 listenable songs. Her Loss (a classic) out now.
Only the one with Durk was bad. That and the Ty Dolla one
Ty dolla record was great
I'll pass on all of that other s***
high level record shouldn't have buried it towards the end of the trakclist
Man I'm not trying to listen to drake and lil baby singing about lesbians or Drake and Future parodying a way too sexy meme man
Listen to Her Loss, or I Never Liked You, or It's only Me that all came out this year and tell me they couldn't have done better than that lol IMO
Its fun
It has some songs i really like, definitely not a terrible project. u know how ppl get with drake 🙄
high level record shouldn't have buried it towards the end of the trakclist
Album ain't bad its just not particularly impressive or fun to listen to
It's cool background music but hardly anything from that album was worth being excited about imo. S*** is uber driver music.
Y’all gotta stop trying convince us CLB is some misunderstood masterpiece. It’s not gonna happen sorry.
Just because you Drake Stan’s have convinced yourselves that every drake album is a classic, doesn’t mean normal people have to
Sorry, CLB is and will always be an awful album
Only skip is f***ing fans deadass
If it had a different cover art and name you’d all love it
Bruh omg what
Just because you Drake Stan’s have convinced yourselves that every drake album is a classic, doesn’t mean normal people have to
Sorry, CLB is and will always be an awful album
CLB is way over hated and to be frank the only hate it gets is on the internet
CLB rang off in every club and every party
With that being said it’s not a classic either. CLB is a 7.
My main point tho is. We need to stop confusing real life with online opinions that don’t actually reflect what’s going on in the real world.