That surviving Dr. Luke doc gon be wild cause a LOTTTTTTTTTA women gon’ have to face the fax that they were enabling &!complicit in a lot of his bullshit
Wait so if this clip girl made a tape with someone underaged why are you just now saying something when she calls you out I would’ve filed a police report immediately
Thing is, lotta these artists be on weird s***
Idk how it is in America (worse most likely), but over here I remember dating girls and they'd all had weird stories to tell about artists/Influencers, about abuse and s***
But they ain't got a platform back then
Now people do, u gotta watch out how ya be moving. If u move correct no worrying
But u just can't sit and pretend u a God
Those power tactics don't work no more
Wait so if this clip girl made a tape with someone underaged why are you just now saying something when she calls you out I would’ve filed a police report immediately
Hook is just making a stupid insult. she was with Phreshboyswag who’s 19 while she’s 23 which is perfectly legal and fine