Close source: J. Cole almost relapsed on X**** due to “7 Minute Drill”, this is the reason for his apology.
All I can say publicly (for now at least) is to listen to his song “Motiv8” on KOD for more info. You’ll be hearing more about this publicly soon, another KTT first.
someone in the big 3 does a xan and makes sicko mode. former big 3 almost does a xan and kills their career
Cole used to take Xans...? As someone who used to be addicted to x**** I can empathize with this then... The pressure was really f***ing this dude up he needed to take a X**** to write the diss track, that's crazy.
X**** are destructive as f*** for your life though so I'm glad he didn't.
Let Drake and Kendrick battle bro
Nah I can relate to that though. Kendrick had this dude so shook he needed a x****
Probably just to sleep
I genuinely don’t understand how this was such a big deal for Cole
prob not a confrontational person
prob not a confrontational person
where was the real confrontation? Kendrick ain’t even get a chance to respond
Did Cole think this s*** will get westcoast vs eastcoast levels?
Jesus Christ is this guy a p**** if true
Guy was so shook he wanted to pop pills? What does Kendrick have on this guy man. Has to be some infidelity or something with his kids or something
What exactly about 7 Min drill warrants that much anxiety?
stepping to candyman ig