pretty much any Nike w an extra large air bubble when I was elementary >>>>
My mother used to wear a certain type of pyjama, and every time I got sick as a kid I used to sleep next to her and that pattern on her pyjama reminded me of being cared for and healing for years. If I’d see it, I’m sure it still does. :)
then most of middle school was all about skate shoes but also had a white adidas superstar, baggy khakis w an extra long belt w a red jacket phase when I was on my AzNPrYdE s***
that b.u.m. hard as s***!!!
had a shirt from em that I lived in
love split blue green sweaters too, missed one from HC years ago and thought I'd never have another chance but then Brain Dead got me
How? This got no age limit
oh bro trust me before like 2003 if you were wearing skinny jeans it was usually girl jeans and you were prolly emo or scene
oh bro trust me before like 2003 if you were wearing skinny jeans it was usually girl jeans and you were prolly emo or scene
Guess am emo then
Pre school / Kindergarten attire
I had hella Hawaiian clothes/brands in elementary school cause I had grandparents and an aunt that was living in Hawaii at the time. But those Hawaiian flower shirts def had a small moment in the 90s
American Eagle
Rosary beads
Rosary beads
And jelly bracelets
oh bro trust me before like 2003 if you were wearing skinny jeans it was usually girl jeans and you were prolly emo or scene
I know men's denim eventually brought in/accepted skinnies by the late 2000s but I feel like it was this way through jerkin era lmao
Rosary beads
And jelly bracelets
I remember those jelly bracelets used to be "sex bracelets"