Thot levels so high she can just tell how long a man is without seeing anything
Thot levels so high she can just tell how long a man is without seeing anything
My hoe sensor can tell yours tic tac size
Nicki reply
See the thing is, people have been using that “I need more research” excuse for a year already. She full of s***. And she spread misinformation.
My hoe sensor can tell yours tic tac size
You would be wrong my love
See the thing is, people have been using that “I need more research” excuse for a year already. She full of s***. And she spread misinformation.
No way the d*** companies did their research on this rushed vaccine
No way the d*** companies did their research on this rushed vaccine
how would you know?
No way the d*** companies did their research on this rushed vaccine
Man if you don’t wanna take it just say that with your chest lol. You got scientists and doctors that did research. Folks would rather listen to some dude on the internet that didn’t even pass science in high school before people that actually do the s*** for a living.
“Now if I start discussing what’s in your rear end I’d be wrong right”
Everybody know what Don like in the booty.
Was ready to be on Nicki’s side and her response is homophobia yes you would be wrong in saying that lol
Its hard for Nicki to get people on her side cause she's in general wild but she also married a rapist and helped her pedo brother.
It's like unlike Azealia or Kanye she isn't just a controversial person with opinions she like linked to real crimes.
Nicki really f***ed up like she never has the moral high ground in any debate anymore
Also I love that LGBTQ people favorite rappers are all homophobic like Nicki and Azealia are so big in the community and do not like them niggas at all.