Damn I forgot about her. Her stuff with Quadron was good
They had a random 2013 era kendrick feature too
Damn I forgot about her. Her stuff with Quadron was good
!https://youtu.be/vcZ9HIt5Adg?si=7yfbSNol3stD3puMThey had a random 2013 era kendrick feature too
!https://youtu.be/mdO8Vsv8lns?si=2OwoIsDUeW3GOTCMright I noticed the name because she was featured on that tyler, the creator song treehouse back in the day. he used to big up quadron a lot back then. she's got a nice voice
oh s*** i love quadron/coco didn’t even know this dropped
added this ktt2.com/rnb-2023-albums-part-2-32561135 reminds me of JMSN a bit nice vibez :
added this https://ktt2.com/rnb-2023-albums-part-2-32561135 reminds me of JMSN a bit nice vibez :
Yeah same
thanks @op going to listen to this while on the way to my folks tonight
thanks @op going to listen to this while on the way to my folks tonight
enjoy, lemme know your thoughts
Was not expecting a white woman with this name and genre combo
Good find Op, the album is pretty good.
Went through her old music and found some gems too.
In good looks @op
This is great song from her first solo album, 2-3 years old
damn listening to her debut right now and this may be even better than her new one