Vanilla coke zero the goat fr
Regular soda is a Lil more crisp but just isn't worth the ridiculous amount of sugar and calories (except code red once in a blue moon)
Not related but I recently tried Diet Dr Pepper and it tasted almost identical to the original
do we know if aspartame is carcinogenic yet
Not in the amount found in diet sodas. You'd need to drink like 40 a day for the aspertame to have affects on your health and at that rate you'd get poisoning from too much water before the aspertame would do anything
"Some say"
yea aight but the research has been directly inconclusive of it being remotely worse (for decades) and every damn study yall are referencing fails pieces of reliability and validity and every time theyre repeated the data is either way different or fails to constraints. It really doesn't help there's barely any that have remotely close to a big enough experimental group whatsoever, I think the one mainstream media pushed last year had less than 20 participants total. We have tons of long term studies on sugar with a large population showing sugar isn't good, but we do not have that with artificials although all the studies at this point are far more inconclusive.
the artificial sweetener argument is arguably a top 5 debate specifically used as an example in education for psychology for why you need to actually understand how to read research to make decisions off of it. I've had at least 5 professors tear that to shreds, and some news article on this isn't actual evidence
all we know for a fact is it isn't specifically good for you, but there's a massive amount of definitive proof sugar is very bad for you, even if you drink 2 cokes a day. drink whatever you want tho
Whole Lotta Yap
Op is hilarious
You know you can have a little bit of fun in life right? It’s not f***ing hookers unprotected or cliff jumping, it’s a can of soda
All of humanity’s technological innovation led up to this.
This is why we exist.
diet coke >>>>
coke zero is actually the bev you should feel shameful for drinking. s*** taste like ass
Regular coke
Those zero sugar sodas with artificial sweeteners are worse than regular sodas lol
A soda trying to be healthy don't even sound right.
You seem that olipop?
Hot ass