  • Feb 17, 2023
    slime wrld

    why does this have 13 pages already man

    idk but free blonded

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    why does this have 13 pages already man

    Hasan is so controversial.

    He really is the next Kanye fr

  • Feb 17, 2023
    3 replies

    i used to like watching hasan but over the last year and half i've pretty much stopped watching him at all. now i really only tune in if there's a major event happening. his chat is pretty much just young reactionary libs who think they're leftists because they use the right pronouns and think weed should be legal. he gets stunnlocked by them way too often. sometimes the stunlock is funny but most of the time it's annoying cause he spends like 15 minutes on a single chatter and it just kind of ends up being pointless. also, i really dislike when he has other streamers on (other than austin, i enjoy him and hasan) and it seems like he has other streamers on more and more. they pretty much never have any interest in politics or current events and are just there to be on another big streamers platform. i just have zero interest in listening to him give a 28 yr old streamer a middle school level explanation of politics and government when they clearly don't care and are just gonna forget it the second they leave his stream anyway.

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Proud of you to find the strength to post this

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Hasan "I paved it on my own" Piker

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Ngl ppl that hate hasan equally annoying as his lib ass stans lol

  • Feb 17, 2023
    Trash Star

    i used to like watching hasan but over the last year and half i've pretty much stopped watching him at all. now i really only tune in if there's a major event happening. his chat is pretty much just young reactionary libs who think they're leftists because they use the right pronouns and think weed should be legal. he gets stunnlocked by them way too often. sometimes the stunlock is funny but most of the time it's annoying cause he spends like 15 minutes on a single chatter and it just kind of ends up being pointless. also, i really dislike when he has other streamers on (other than austin, i enjoy him and hasan) and it seems like he has other streamers on more and more. they pretty much never have any interest in politics or current events and are just there to be on another big streamers platform. i just have zero interest in listening to him give a 28 yr old streamer a middle school level explanation of politics and government when they clearly don't care and are just gonna forget it the second they leave his stream anyway.

    all of this is fax

  • Feb 17, 2023

    i don’t mind watching him. it’s entertaining at least. sometimes is annoying

  • Feb 17, 2023

    He looks like he smells extremely bad, like a chronic protein farter

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply
    Trash Star

    i used to like watching hasan but over the last year and half i've pretty much stopped watching him at all. now i really only tune in if there's a major event happening. his chat is pretty much just young reactionary libs who think they're leftists because they use the right pronouns and think weed should be legal. he gets stunnlocked by them way too often. sometimes the stunlock is funny but most of the time it's annoying cause he spends like 15 minutes on a single chatter and it just kind of ends up being pointless. also, i really dislike when he has other streamers on (other than austin, i enjoy him and hasan) and it seems like he has other streamers on more and more. they pretty much never have any interest in politics or current events and are just there to be on another big streamers platform. i just have zero interest in listening to him give a 28 yr old streamer a middle school level explanation of politics and government when they clearly don't care and are just gonna forget it the second they leave his stream anyway.

    fair point, but honestly you kind of lose a lot that when you watch highlights from his yt channel

    I never watch his stuff live for that reason lol

  • Feb 17, 2023

    I haven’t even read this thread and yet I’m sure it’s a s***storm considering how many pages it has.

    I’ll just say I think Hasan is a genuinely good guy, pretty stubborn, pretty hard headed, but that kind of comes with the territory and is almost a necessity given his field.

    He’s done a really good job bringing in the normies by making leftism actually approachable and not just feel/look like bookish nerd s***.

    He’s a net positive overall, which absolutely makes him an exception given his career path tbh.

  • Feb 17, 2023

    destiny players and twitch watchers itt

  • Feb 18, 2023

    Whenever niggas get banned in random ass threads like this im just

  • Feb 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Literal nerd content. Wannabe commies

  • Feb 18, 2023

    Hasan is so controversial.

    He really is the next Kanye fr


  • Feb 18, 2023
    Trash Star

    i used to like watching hasan but over the last year and half i've pretty much stopped watching him at all. now i really only tune in if there's a major event happening. his chat is pretty much just young reactionary libs who think they're leftists because they use the right pronouns and think weed should be legal. he gets stunnlocked by them way too often. sometimes the stunlock is funny but most of the time it's annoying cause he spends like 15 minutes on a single chatter and it just kind of ends up being pointless. also, i really dislike when he has other streamers on (other than austin, i enjoy him and hasan) and it seems like he has other streamers on more and more. they pretty much never have any interest in politics or current events and are just there to be on another big streamers platform. i just have zero interest in listening to him give a 28 yr old streamer a middle school level explanation of politics and government when they clearly don't care and are just gonna forget it the second they leave his stream anyway.


  • being a hasan fan in 2023 is kinda crazy. what are you a fan of? him contributing to the exploitation of media? him adding barely anything of substance when he reads a tweet? him saying hes "working with aoc" for like the 50th time?

    him banning chatters bc hes uninformed? i dont see him doing any trasnformitve content

  • Feb 18, 2023
    1 reply

    he is clueless on a lotta topics and even when he is ignorant he tries to act liek he knows bout it. dont deny he prob an alright person but he deff fake as s*** to make money online lmao

  • Feb 18, 2023

    Roaming Millenial

    (GARBAGE ass opinions tho)

  • Feb 18, 2023

    But it’s something you have no proof of. Implying that someone doesn’t believe anything they’re saying, and is doing so solely for money, is something you should have a fair amount of evidence for, no?

    he quite literally fits the term of grifting PERFECTLY.

    he prob got like 30k+ subs for years now, lives in a million dollar house in la, loves to s*** on rich ppl for the lifestyle they live BUT he lives the in the exact same situation. buying designer shi worth 1k+ yet s***ting on capitalism.

    hes the definition of grifting as a socialists, no humility at all from him cmon now , i cant hate he makin his cash but you cant act like he not grifting his way to success.

    hes no different from those socialist podcasts who got patreons with like 1000+ members making 30k+ a month or sum s***

  • Feb 18, 2023
    1 reply

    he is clueless on a lotta topics and even when he is ignorant he tries to act liek he knows bout it. dont deny he prob an alright person but he deff fake as s*** to make money online lmao

    He raised 1.4 million dollars for the turkey(his home country)earthquakes; I hate his fake af ass

  • Feb 18, 2023

    He raised 1.4 million dollars for the turkey(his home country)earthquakes; I hate his fake af ass

    yee i seen that that’s really nice to use thst platform like thst
