Greek #1 come on now
i actually think destiny or him tie for #1
but i put ninja because he’s just annoying
Haven't watched Hasan in a while, what has he said bout Andrew Callaghan's allegations?
I will never understand how people have the time to watch these streamers. RDC the only people I watch and I don't watch them live, I just watch uploads on YouTube. But from seeing them play with other streamers like Berleezy/SomeBros, I think the whole community is just cringe to me. "Throw your Ws in the chat"
You're actually a NPC if you regularly rely on a streamer like Moist to update you on current events
I won’t ever intentionally try to hate on mf’s making a living. But even as someone like myself who watches YouTube and doesn’t even have streaming services, this type of niche that includes streamers or even edited clips from a livestream, has always been a bit odd to me. The fact that twitch streamers and such have gotten so popular specifically I mean
Nothing screams anti capitalism like asking your viewers to send you money as you stream yourself reacting to various forms of media from your $4 million dollar California home!
does that clown even stream still
I think to like 1k viewers or something. His tweets the past 2 years showed his true colors and killed his relationships with other streamers
Nothing screams anti capitalism like asking your viewers to send you money as you stream yourself reacting to various forms of media from your $4 million dollar California home!
Nothing screams anti capitalism like asking your viewers to send you money as you stream yourself reacting to various forms of media from your $4 million dollar California home!
these streamers are the 21st century door-to-door preachers
Nothing screams anti capitalism like asking your viewers to send you money as you stream yourself reacting to various forms of media from your $4 million dollar California home!
he never asked to donate he never even reads out donations
Nothing screams anti capitalism like asking your viewers to send you money as you stream yourself reacting to various forms of media from your $4 million dollar California home!
Hasan donated $45,000, helped raise over $1,000,000, and spread awareness
What did you do?
Hasan donated $45,000, helped raise over $1,000,000, and spread awareness
What did you do?
Oh my God
Hasan donated $45,000, helped raise over $1,000,000, and spread awareness
What did you do?
S***posted on ktt2 and refused to Donate $1 to frontline workers/hospitals when asked at the register at a local coffee shop ❤️
Hasan donated $45,000, helped raise over $1,000,000, and spread awareness
What did you do?
he's not arguing about his charitability he's arguing on the ideological and moral basis by which he presents himself
@Kenig You lost me he's just the male BadBunny. Nasty people
This isn’t satire btw
! guy is a failed Andrew Tate who rebranded.
he's not arguing about his charitability he's arguing on the ideological and moral basis by which he presents himself
Ain’t no way you think I’m reading all these big ass words life sxn fellas be like the neo boomerism of the facetious ergo types is flambosterous to the egregious bourgeoisie like dawg shut the god damn hell up