Twitch might be the worst social media. Worse than Twitter. At least Twitter has funny tweets.
People watch hours of these people talking? And give them money?
Sounds like most types of entertainment
Kenig is an ex kanye sxn troll pay him no mind
Didnt need to add the word troll. Kanye sxn says all we need to know sorry kenig!
Youre just speaking nonsense hasan is not the face of gay or trans people what the f***. Why are you so mad he is constantly supportive of trans causes
you are the one who brought him up being on "our side" u f***ing re*tard
ur just trolling im out
Didnt need to add the word troll. Kanye sxn says all we need to know sorry kenig!
you are the one who brought him up being on "our side" u f***ing re*tard
ur just trolling im out
Yeah I said he is on our side which he is cause he is supprting trans and queer causes
I didnt say he was the face of the movement that was all you buddy how can you be so detached from the outside world to think this twitch guy is representative to any queer causes
Ain’t no way you think I’m reading all these big ass words life sxn fellas be like the neo boomerism of the facetious ergo types is flambosterous to the egregious bourgeoisie like dawg shut the god damn hell up
This dude always seemed like the epitome of the guy who thinks he is morally and intellectually superior yet is incredibly ignorant on many levels
I find them very annoying irl, doubt it's different online, but you do you. Maybe he is not as bad but idk
Yeah I said he is on our side which he is cause he is supprting trans and queer causes
I didnt say he was the face of the movement that was all you buddy how can you be so detached from the outside world to think this twitch guy is representative to any queer causes
if i use the exact same terminology as you do then why do you think it applies in a different way when i say it
kill yourself you disgusting european cretin
This isn’t satire btw
! like Hasan but this is hilarious
I like to leave random comments in his chat praying he stops for 10 minutes and argues at a monitor
it works 4/5 times
This is the way
Dude can't go 10 minutes without being triggered by a comment in the chat
I will never understand how people have the time to watch these streamers. RDC the only people I watch and I don't watch them live, I just watch uploads on YouTube. But from seeing them play with other streamers like Berleezy/SomeBros, I think the whole community is just cringe to me. "Throw your Ws in the chat"
You're actually a NPC if you regularly rely on a streamer like Moist to update you on current events
I only watch Hasan's youtube now too, unless there's a big event (debate/inauguration/etc.)