where's drake's superbowl halftime performance?
Do y’all see the mental illness going on in real time itt
Just folks talking to themselves
Abel is the pop star of the two. Because he’s made that his bag since what KissLand. Drake may release a pop song every so often but he’s far too big of an artist to place in that sort of a bubble
CLB soon come
There's a reason why Darke was artist of the decade. He's so versatile while Mr. Month sold out to make s***ty remixes with Ariana Grande
One of the most nauseating threads I’ve ever been a part of
These Drake fans are funny....and delusional
It’s literally performance art I love it
Do y’all see the mental illness going on in real time itt
Just folks talking to themselves
What exactly did Drake do in Jungle that Weeknd hasn't surpassed
First off, Abel has never and will never surpass Drake
Secondly, nothin in Abel's discography will ever surpass Drake's music
where's drake's superbowl halftime performance?
Where's Abel's AOTD award?
not that soon though thats not how decades work
correct, glad to see u blahh
Where's Abel's AOTD award?
drake is crying in your avi, you need to pick something tougher.
look at the pure anguish on his face. why would someone make an account to defend someone and use this picture of them?
Do y’all see the mental illness going on in real time itt
Just folks talking to themselves
you're such a werdio pushing mental illness on someone for not liking your fave
thats when I know Drake is the superior artist... Weeknd stans are misgendering, pushing a mental health diagnosis on a stan, and pushing typical misogynistic responses aimed at female Drake stans
look at the pure anguish on his face. why would someone make an account to defend someone and use this picture of them?
bc he looks beautiful here
Pack it up