  • Apr 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Hy guys

    I'm during 4th S of CS and I've been struggling with one class

    It's called Intro to Computer Simulation or s*** like that (It's not in english so I don't have the exact name)
    But it's basically physics

    Problem is the subcjects mentioned there are not hard at all but my teacher is so all over the place I don't fckn know what he wants from us most of the time

    Anyone knows what I'm talking bout and has some free course I could take to learn that?

    Thanks in advance

  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Almost finished 'learn python the hard way'
    thinking of skipping the stuff at the end on making websites. I want to work my way up to a job in data science.
    Taking a udemy course on the basics of it right now as well.

    i have a bachelors in mathematics and was thinking in getting a certificate in data science from this other institution.

    Should i learn SQL next? or go further with my python understanding to be able to better use numpy and play with data sets in there?

  • Apr 12, 2020

    alternate method of learning py and what worked for me:

    just think of something you want to make (for example hangman, or tictactoe, something simple) and jump right in and use stackoverflow and google when you get stuck

  • Apr 20, 2020
    2 replies

    signed grad contract for faang today and a hedge fund internship last week. hard work paid off, feelsgood.

  • Apr 20, 2020
    1 reply

    signed grad contract for faang today and a hedge fund internship last week. hard work paid off, feelsgood.

    Congrats man! That's awesome. Do you know what you'll be doing at those companies?

  • Apr 20, 2020
    Dankmustard Mobile

    Almost finished 'learn python the hard way'
    thinking of skipping the stuff at the end on making websites. I want to work my way up to a job in data science.
    Taking a udemy course on the basics of it right now as well.

    i have a bachelors in mathematics and was thinking in getting a certificate in data science from this other institution.

    Should i learn SQL next? or go further with my python understanding to be able to better use numpy and play with data sets in there?

    I'd personally continue learning Python and continue building new projects. Once you're somewhat comfortable with the intracies of Python and doing data science work with it, I'd suggest diving into SQL and GraphQL.

    Being comfortable with SQL will be an essential part of your career, I believe (unless the data engineers do all the queries and clean it up - not entirely sure how that field works). Knowing the different types of joins, views, transactions, etc in SQL will be important. You'll probably never work with GraphQL, but it's something to dive into if it picks up more momentum.

  • Apr 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Hy guys

    I'm during 4th S of CS and I've been struggling with one class

    It's called Intro to Computer Simulation or s*** like that (It's not in english so I don't have the exact name)
    But it's basically physics

    Problem is the subcjects mentioned there are not hard at all but my teacher is so all over the place I don't fckn know what he wants from us most of the time

    Anyone knows what I'm talking bout and has some free course I could take to learn that?

    Thanks in advance

    Is this like Computer Graphics to an extent or nah?

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Is this like Computer Graphics to an extent or nah?

    not op, but if he was referring to comp graphics, do you have any course recs?

  • Apr 21, 2020
    2 replies
    donald glover

    not op, but if he was referring to comp graphics, do you have any course recs?

    I haven't really done anything with Computer Graphics other than briefly looking into it.

    Stanford's intro course seems to be quite nice:

  • Apr 21, 2020

    I haven't really done anything with Computer Graphics other than briefly looking into it.

    Stanford's intro course seems to be quite nice:

    thanks man. looks great :)

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I haven't really done anything with Computer Graphics other than briefly looking into it.

    Stanford's intro course seems to be quite nice:

    you have a cs degree right? do you have a job in cs?

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply
    donald glover

    you have a cs degree right? do you have a job in cs?

    Yeah, recently got it and I'm working as a frontend dev. Not where I want to be, but have to start somewhere

  • Apr 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah, recently got it and I'm working as a frontend dev. Not where I want to be, but have to start somewhere

    is frontend the type of work you wanted to be doing? or something else?

  • Apr 22, 2020
    1 reply
    donald glover

    is frontend the type of work you wanted to be doing? or something else?

    I thought I wanted frontend work, but it's not what I expected it to be like per say. Trying to figure out what I should do now, but we'll see.

    How about you? Any area of CS that captures your interest?

  • Apr 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought I wanted frontend work, but it's not what I expected it to be like per say. Trying to figure out what I should do now, but we'll see.

    How about you? Any area of CS that captures your interest?

    what do you mean by that? do you find it boring?

    i am really interested in web just because you can build things that most people can use and see. although i am starting to think iOS or mac applications would also be fun. so swift.

    i also want to learn graphics. don't know what for, and my math isn't that great, but it seems interesting and tough.

  • Apr 22, 2020
    1 reply

    signed grad contract for faang today and a hedge fund internship last week. hard work paid off, feelsgood.

    Congrats dawg.

    What school?

  • Apr 22, 2020

    Congrats dawg.

    What school?

    top 10 in the world, im not in the us

    although, it doesn't really matter. i know people from virtually unknown unis who are in google swe internships

  • Apr 22, 2020
    1 reply
    donald glover

    what do you mean by that? do you find it boring?

    i am really interested in web just because you can build things that most people can use and see. although i am starting to think iOS or mac applications would also be fun. so swift.

    i also want to learn graphics. don't know what for, and my math isn't that great, but it seems interesting and tough.

    I guess the project I'm a part doesn't really capture my interest and I'm not really learning a lot in terms of frontend development rn.

    iOS seems really cool. Mobile development in general tbh. I'm always on my phone and I feel like people are doing everything on the go now, so it only makes sense.

    Graphics is also cool. You realize that making a simple 3D sphere requires a ton of trig and the use of lots of triangles lol

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I guess the project I'm a part doesn't really capture my interest and I'm not really learning a lot in terms of frontend development rn.

    iOS seems really cool. Mobile development in general tbh. I'm always on my phone and I feel like people are doing everything on the go now, so it only makes sense.

    Graphics is also cool. You realize that making a simple 3D sphere requires a ton of trig and the use of lots of triangles lol

    thats fair. are you proficient in frontend or they not teaching/letting you touch interesting parts of the project?

    personally for me, im not on my phone as much as my laptop. so i dont know if ios is the most interesting in my pov, but mac apps would be fun!

    never touched graphics but i have heard lol. would like to try it though!

  • Apr 23, 2020
    donald glover

    thats fair. are you proficient in frontend or they not teaching/letting you touch interesting parts of the project?

    personally for me, im not on my phone as much as my laptop. so i dont know if ios is the most interesting in my pov, but mac apps would be fun!

    never touched graphics but i have heard lol. would like to try it though!

    I wouldn't say I'm proficient at frontend at all. Just not doing anything interesting with it at the moment.

    And I see. Yeah, Mac Apps, web dev, or something else may interest you more if you're on your laptop or PC more often.

    Yeah, give graphics a try. You actually get fun results from it and learn a lot

  • Apr 23, 2020
    Dankmustard Mobile

    Almost finished 'learn python the hard way'
    thinking of skipping the stuff at the end on making websites. I want to work my way up to a job in data science.
    Taking a udemy course on the basics of it right now as well.

    i have a bachelors in mathematics and was thinking in getting a certificate in data science from this other institution.

    Should i learn SQL next? or go further with my python understanding to be able to better use numpy and play with data sets in there?

    Data science is a great idea

    SQL idk if that's necessary I'd say just get good at regression a***ysis and statistical inference/machine learning

    Languages don't matter so much. Database management and data science are very different at heart

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Image a***ysis is such a dope field

    Learn about machine learning image processing and some stats/linear algebra you're set for life. U could legit learn this in a year and be a borderline expert. It's very in demand in science

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Image a***ysis is such a dope field

    Learn about machine learning image processing and some stats/linear algebra you're set for life. U could legit learn this in a year and be a borderline expert. It's very in demand in science

    what sources you learning from? school?

  • Apr 23, 2020
    1 reply
    donald glover

    what sources you learning from? school?

    Tbh not rly, my projects come from academia labs so kinda but most of what I learned is from reading.
