  • Jun 25, 2020
    1 reply

    what is the learning curve like for you? :

    The courses are pretty easy to follow and I like how they don't hold your hand the entire time and have assignments that require you to think and use problem solving skills. My only prior experience was html and css coding and in the few weeks Ive been doing this class I feel confident in the new skills and little useful tools Ive been able to create with python. Id advise you to actually enroll ($50 a month) so you can do the quizzes and assignments but you can always audit the course for free and have access to all the lectures.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    2 replies

    The courses are pretty easy to follow and I like how they don't hold your hand the entire time and have assignments that require you to think and use problem solving skills. My only prior experience was html and css coding and in the few weeks Ive been doing this class I feel confident in the new skills and little useful tools Ive been able to create with python. Id advise you to actually enroll ($50 a month) so you can do the quizzes and assignments but you can always audit the course for free and have access to all the lectures.

    What IDE should i use (beginner level)

  • Jun 27, 2020

    What IDE should i use (beginner level)

    IDE? For java use IntelliJ

    Otherwise VS Code for JavaScript, which is just a code editor but has a lot of plugins

  • Jun 28, 2020

    What IDE should i use (beginner level)

    Im using Visual Studio Code on Mac and I like it because it has a built in terminal and I can just run code within it without having to open the actual Mac terminal to run code

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply


    computer engineering finalist here. I've been learning opengl and trying to make an entry into the graphics field. I want to make a career out of it, it's really fun, but at the same time, I guess it's kind of a hipster field lol. Nobody's really talking about it.

    why would you learn openGL in the year 2019? Pick up Vulkan and web assembly.

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    any advice on learning sql? was planning on taking a short udemy course then start practicing afterwards

  • Jul 1, 2020

    playing around with p5.js is helping me learn JS

  • Jul 5, 2020

    any advice on learning sql? was planning on taking a short udemy course then start practicing afterwards

    much of learning how to use sql will be done on the job though since it's largely just querying. but focus more on learning the syntax at first.

  • Jul 14, 2020

    Is there a MDN type of alternative for looking up methods in Swift? Or just ?

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply

    flutter VS react native?

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    flutter VS react native?

    I haven't used flutter, but react native is really good if you have JavaScript ES6 background.

    Native is also more popular so if you run into any issues/errors might have an easier time googling for them compared to flutter.

    Native also has more third party packages to use, but I think that Flutter has more out of the box tools than Native so you might not even need 3rd party stuff for native.

    Job market wise I think native is more widely used.

    I think flutter is more efficient so if you're making a game or doing something intensive where performance matters flutter is the better choice.

    That's just my two cents from using native for the past two months and my quick research I did before deciding on which one to go with.

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    Lu The Ruler

    I haven't used flutter, but react native is really good if you have JavaScript ES6 background.

    Native is also more popular so if you run into any issues/errors might have an easier time googling for them compared to flutter.

    Native also has more third party packages to use, but I think that Flutter has more out of the box tools than Native so you might not even need 3rd party stuff for native.

    Job market wise I think native is more widely used.

    I think flutter is more efficient so if you're making a game or doing something intensive where performance matters flutter is the better choice.

    That's just my two cents from using native for the past two months and my quick research I did before deciding on which one to go with.

    thanks for showing me ur side overall i feel like flutter IS growing very very quickly so i can see it becoming huge in a few years at this point flutter seems like a slightly riskier pick than native

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    thanks for showing me ur side overall i feel like flutter IS growing very very quickly so i can see it becoming huge in a few years at this point flutter seems like a slightly riskier pick than native

    Yeah that's the thing.

    When doing my research I felt that flutter was better overall, but I was unsure if it would take off. You don't want to spend time learning something then all of sudden people are no longer using it. I was already doing react for web development so it was easier to with native.

  • Lu The Ruler

    Yeah that's the thing.

    When doing my research I felt that flutter was better overall, but I was unsure if it would take off. You don't want to spend time learning something then all of sudden people are no longer using it. I was already doing react for web development so it was easier to with native.

    i feel like google is kinda iffy with these types of things, they seem to randomly drop projects out of nowhere. lets see where this goes
    might have a go with flutter and see how it goes tbh

  • Jul 22, 2020
    1 reply

    been stuck on js for awhile. trying to learn everything and now that i have a mac, i want to mess with ios dev. i really need to stick to one thing for now

  • Jul 23, 2020
    1 reply

    been stuck on js for awhile. trying to learn everything and now that i have a mac, i want to mess with ios dev. i really need to stick to one thing for now

    watch this video and go do ios

  • Jul 23, 2020

    watch this video and go do ios

  • Jul 25, 2020


  • Just starting my first kaggle comp, titanic ML to predict who survived

  • fun guy

    yo has anyone used codacademy? how helpful was it

    i tried it a few years back but quit hella fast since i was so bored. wanna try learning c++ or something again now that i have more discipline

    I can send you the book from my uni( an ebook) that i use to study c and c++ from.

    Its a big book,but if your patient enough to go through it im sure that you will see results.

    Edit: Its the "how to program in c deitel 7th edition

  • Jul 26, 2020

    god damn, stuck at state and lifecycles with react.

  • Jul 26, 2020

    how do yall come up with app projects to make? rn I just try and look at other people portfolios and gather inspiration for what they made.

    I know a good idea of one of my first major projects would actually be creating the portfolio itself to hold all of my creations.

    Just got into coding back in april and know basic python and js up to OOP and most of ES6. rn I'm just trying to learn react and on my downtime of learning I'm just playing around with p5.js to still code with my brain off to just play around.

  • Jul 31, 2020
    2 replies

    Hey guys I need help with some career deciding decision about college that I have to make soon so I figured you could help me with it, it's a long post so please bear with me

    In Egypt, in 12th Grade I had to choose between Science (Biology, Geology) and Maths (Calculus integration and differentiation Algebra, Mechanics statics and dynamics and solid geometry )

    I leaned towards science and picked it and now I have the option to go to college branch called Bioinformatics which deals with DNA, Enzymes, Proteins and Programming of genome and I read about it so it turned out to be Computer Science with some Biology sprinkled on top since i chose science in high school. I like that college because it opens up many job opportunities for me so I can either work as a researcher in labs and microbiology and a programmer or I can simply work as an IT manager in any company and deal with programming in a business or freelance just as any regular computer science graduate

    In grade 11 I was good at Maths tbh I had very good grades in it but I absolutely hated Calculus to the point I had to just memorize how a question looks so I can solve it instead of understanding where the rule came from so that's why I chose science. I am not sure tho that my level in Mathematics would be as good as it was in grade 11 now that I totally quit it in grade 12 except for basic rules and equations used in physics

    In the 4 or 5 years of Computer Science will I need to use Calculus and will I need to be almost perfect in it or can I do well and learn everything in programming without being top level at calculus? will I have to use it in everything I do in college and also when I graduate or will it be a year or two of 4 or 5 where I need to learn calculus to be able to code and stuff like that in order to pass? I don't wanna have a hard time in college because I may have other options but this one is just requested in the job market that's why I am interested in it

    Thank you

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply

    @sc24 follow me back

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply
    Jeff Bezos Stan

    @sc24 follow me back

    @sc24 check dm
