Computer Science Thread

  • Mar 9, 2021
    1 reply

    i needa brush up on my binary trees

    also im taking this data mining class and this s*** is ridiculous

  • Mar 10, 2021

    leetcode is a pain but its kinda fun

    as soon as you solve your first hard problem you feel like a god

    Don't think I'm going to tackle hards without solutions until I really hammer in the basic patterns.

  • Mar 10, 2021

    Thanks I’ll check it out tonight. Might sacrifice some work hours at my current place for this, I really want this job.

    Worth it IMO, sacrificing the time now could help you make an extra 100-300k+ annually in the long run

  • Mar 10, 2021
    1 reply

    i needa brush up on my binary trees

    also im taking this data mining class and this s*** is ridiculous

    Dynamic Programming f***ing me up for real

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Dynamic Programming f***ing me up for real

    i rly like this guys dp vids

    maybe theyll help u understand better
    imo its just the more vids u watch w varied problems the more it helps u understand

    mit also has some good vids but theyre like 1 hr long each lol

  • Mar 11, 2021
    i am sasuke

    i rly like this guys dp vids


    maybe theyll help u understand better
    imo its just the more vids u watch w varied problems the more it helps u understand

    mit also has some good vids but theyre like 1 hr long each lol

    Honestly will probably end up dedicated an entire month just to DP problems.

    Tabulation is always confusing as f***

  • Mar 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Does anyone have experience with coding bootcamps? Or any opinion on them?

  • Mar 17, 2021
    2 replies

    I just made 26 years last week. Thinking about starting in CS, is it too late? I see a lot of job opportunities for developers rn

  • Mar 17, 2021

    I just made 26 years last week. Thinking about starting in CS, is it too late? I see a lot of job opportunities for developers rn

    Never too late, CS is an ever expanding field that has no signs of ever slowing down

    Many people over the age of 30 have successfully made the career shift to CS

  • Mar 18, 2021

    leetcode is a pain but its kinda fun

    as soon as you solve your first hard problem you feel like a god

    if you wanna make a lot of money right out of school grind leetcode and geeksforgeeks, its by far the best coding practice for internships (which makes you way more valuable) stuff it helped me a lot before I graduated. and if you get good at the s*** on these websites coding anything in general will feel trivial

  • Mar 18, 2021

    I just made 26 years last week. Thinking about starting in CS, is it too late? I see a lot of job opportunities for developers rn

    never too late, the field isnt going anywhere and its only growing

  • Mar 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Best resource to learn c++?

    Was looking at a Udemy course but I’m waiting for them to go on sale again. Not trynna pay 94 bucks when I could pay like 12 lol

  • Mar 19, 2021
    2 replies
    Campaign Sosa

    Does anyone have experience with coding bootcamps? Or any opinion on them?

    most suck.

    if you must go, stay away from certain ones like revature. they're not only useless but actively malicious lol. they'll put you through some half-assed bootcamp, you won't learn much, and they'll set you up with an employer (and subsequently location) of their choosing. they'll make you sign a 2 year contract with them and you won't be able to go anywhere else or they'll sue you. and that's how you end up stuck as a front-end webdev in NYC making $54k

    never went to one myself, but i've heard hack reactor is a good one. that said, i'd go get an accredited degree any day of the week before going into a bootcamp though.

  • Mar 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Best resource to learn c++?

    Was looking at a Udemy course but I’m waiting for them to go on sale again. Not trynna pay 94 bucks when I could pay like 12 lol

    If you browse the website on private mode or delete cookies you can reactivate the first time visit sale

  • Mar 19, 2021

    If you browse the website on private mode or delete cookies you can reactivate the first time visit sale

  • Mar 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Best resource to learn c++?

    Was looking at a Udemy course but I’m waiting for them to go on sale again. Not trynna pay 94 bucks when I could pay like 12 lol

    Do you have previous programming experience?

  • Mar 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Do you have previous programming experience?

    Not a lot. I've studied a little bit of java and python.

    C++ is a mandatory course i have to take soon tho. So trying to get a head start.

  • Mar 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Not a lot. I've studied a little bit of java and python.

    C++ is a mandatory course i have to take soon tho. So trying to get a head start.

    You could always download a book

  • Mar 19, 2021
    1 reply

    You could always download a book

    You wouldn't download a car

  • Mar 19, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    You wouldn't download a car

    Not yet

  • Mar 20, 2021

    most suck.

    if you must go, stay away from certain ones like revature. they're not only useless but actively malicious lol. they'll put you through some half-assed bootcamp, you won't learn much, and they'll set you up with an employer (and subsequently location) of their choosing. they'll make you sign a 2 year contract with them and you won't be able to go anywhere else or they'll sue you. and that's how you end up stuck as a front-end webdev in NYC making $54k

    never went to one myself, but i've heard hack reactor is a good one. that said, i'd go get an accredited degree any day of the week before going into a bootcamp though.

    Thanks for the input! I have a lot to think about

  • Mar 30, 2021
    2 replies
  • Mar 31, 2021

    why is this so funny

  • Mar 31, 2021
